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About joegti10

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  1. Mowed someone down in cold blood in the NW ATC around midnight EST 5/23. About 30 seconds later the server restarted 'coincidentally' as I'm raiding the body. Luckily I got what I needed before it timed out.
  2. joegti10

    The Hungry Bandit Stalks It's Prey

    Id say cool vid but you aren't very good. Bring that weak game North.
  3. joegti10

    Forum Font Color

    Yeah, I'm blind. Go kill some innocents you bandit fucktard.
  4. joegti10

    Forum Font Color

    The text across the forums is WAY too dark. Switch it to #ffffff. Killing my eyes with this. Thanks.
  5. joegti10

    Where do you get anti-biotics?

    I was coughing last night, this AM when i logged in i was back to normal.
  6. joegti10

    THE Firewood thread

    Just so you all know - you cant go into the woods, chop down a live tree and start a campfire. You are only able to start campfires with dead, dry wood which is found on the ground. It needs to spawn randomly all over the map....or just do away with the idea.
  7. joegti10

    Winny changes

    I didn't notice much either. Shot a goat right on the NW runway not very far from some zeds and they didnt notice. I did use pellets if it matters. Slugs take down zeds in 1 shot and i didn't notice any 'extras' being alerted around a town. Ill still be using it.
  8. Im taking a hiatus from this game until they figure out wtf they are doing with temperature and sicknesses. I find both ideas to be a lil too much, game lost its fun a bit.
  9. "The infection causes you to loose blood down to a minimum of 6000. This leaves you with reduced blood until you take antibiotics." I caught a cold because i was in the middle of the wilderness in the rain. Blood is coming out at 3 units a second or so. Will it will stop at 6000? I'm confused by the wording 'minimum'. Half of my blood for this infection is a bit much no? Or is the amount of blood you lose random?
  10. A server reset to about an hour ago would be cool...
  11. joegti10

    Incentivizing Behavior

    Bandits will subside as people get killed off and as time goes on. Its a big time investment to be a solid bandit. Unless you dont mind just running around cherno or whatever with a makarov, get some kills, die and repeat.
  12. joegti10

    Rocket, please read.

    I think Rocket has bigger and better things to deal with other than some pimple face cheating clan.
  13. Feel your pain - had a 3 day old character die today because i trusted that a bandit wasnt going to shoot as he went by. Last time that happens. But in a 3 hour run right after, im again fully armed, stocked, matches and knife. Im now properly hidden in the north woods...only coming out to collect water and shoot game. Until I find myself trustworthy band of people to play with. I havent been treating this 'game' seriously enough, now I am. Finally getting out of the 'battlefield 3' mentality. It just takes too long to get all the proper gear back.
  14. joegti10

    IM A BIRD!

    Buy the game - if you don't have the 15 bucks for it then should be thinking about your lifes direction....and video games is probably not the best route.