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Tracker (DayZ)

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About Tracker (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Did get my first ever player kill with it..It was a surpise motherfucker here is a some 12 gauge fury type of moment ;) . Every time I find one, its always when I'm cornered by zombies and decide to go out fighting. It would nice if shotgun ammo could bus shoved in a pouch or something, ie one pouch takes two slots and can carry say..12-15 shells, and finding shells by the twos/fours/eights adds to the pouch.
  2. It should be the same with vehicles, tons of them everywhere..But fuel will be worth its weight in gold...or blood. Same as weaponry, guns gun guns gun guns everywhere, on dead bodies, hanging on military zombies, shoved in outhouses, in barracks etc. Its ammo that should be rare, forcing you to thing before wasting a precious bullet to kill some unarmed asshole or that zombie that refuses to leave you alone. Also realistic inventory and handling of guns would be nice, but I'm certain thats going to happen in the stand alone.
  3. Tracker (DayZ)

    [TRADE] Bizon PP-19 SD

    I had one... Fucking backpack glitch... Thankfully a PDW can do everything almost as good.
  4. The only thing I've gotten from this that I agree is charter customization.
  5. No, add more weapons to the existing ones.
  6. Tracker (DayZ)

    Is up north dead now?

    I only play at night (mommies of script kiddies force them to sleep while i wear my big boy pants.). I don't see anyone...ever...Not a soul seen for six days now.
  7. Tracker (DayZ)

    M4A1 Holo or AKM?

    Bummer, its one of the most rare items in the game..But its awful NVGs+ regular fal are so much better :D
  8. Tracker (DayZ)

    M4A1 Holo or AKM?

    FN FAL Assault rifles are for coast wanderers and little girls.
  9. Tracker (DayZ)

    Is Mountain Dew bad luck?

    For me? No, Sardines and the Coyote (24) backpack are cursed.
  10. Thats not what I mean't What I meant is you should not be able to fire .50 from anything other than prone, trying otherwise should result in a drunken like swinging of corsshairs/scope all over the screen.
  11. Tracker (DayZ)


    But the big question is..Can you land it?
  12. I'd prefer if you could only shoot them prone to be able to hit anywhere near your target. That way once your prone=god of death, moving=weaker than a mouse. And take up like 15 slots in a bag, because the if you've ever held one, you will understand why. It weights almost twice of what a battle rifle does, and its about 30% longer. Why the literal fuck can you shove it in your bag and carry the thing around like its a bloody smg.
  13. Tracker (DayZ)

    m14 AIM or the FN FAL?

    Explain to me how it is one of the worst weapons in the game?
  14. Tracker (DayZ)

    m14 AIM or the FN FAL?

    The FAL is awesome, so is M14. It entirely depends on how many mags you find at a crash site, 4+ go with the fal (burst will out drop people fast.) otherwise go with the M14 due to DMR mags being so common. The effective range is almost the same, sound is also near enough the same.
  15. Tracker (DayZ)

    Take out .50 cals

    And add KVSKs! :D