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About Corrosives

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. how exactly do you do this with steam? the comments are poorly worded and i dont understand :P
  2. Corrosives

    In desperate need of assistance

    so i got the disk out, but i am still getting data cyclic error messages, its almost 4 am so im getting to sleep, but please, post your answers and hopefully i can solve this in the morning
  3. Corrosives

    In desperate need of assistance

    any way to get it out? ive tried doing a force eject and just a regular eject...The optical drive is reading the disk fine but when i eject it just makes nasty noises. Anything I can do or should i just take it to the apple store?
  4. Corrosives

    In desperate need of assistance

    i have a 2011 macbook pro, and i just installed windows 7 boot camp. There is however the windows disk stuck in my cd drive :S and I can't get it out, so i am taking it to the apple store. Could this be the problem?
  5. Corrosives

    In desperate need of assistance

    also if this helps, when it crashes theres a second window that says data error: cyclic redunancy check
  6. Corrosives

    In desperate need of assistance

    yeah , is that where you just try to join the game manually from the combined operations launcher in steam? I tried and i have the dayz under the arma 2 in the main menu and everything, but the game still just goes unresponsive after a while, should i try waiting it out while its unresponsive or just kill it and try again?
  7. Hey guys, i've recently bought the arma 2 combined operations package on steam due to the awesome summer sale thats going on right now. After downloading the package, for the last 4 hours i've been trying to get the dayz mod to work with no success. It seems like i've tried everything and nothing works. The main issue is that I will try to join the server and I will go through some loading phases until I hear a ding and my program turns unresponsive on the task manager and it seems like i am stuck on the loading screen. Also, usually I don't wait long once i hear the ding that notifies me that the program has gone unresponsive...should i begin waiting for long periods of time after this? Things I've tried: Ive tried using the six launcher, it doesn't connect me and i get stuck in the loading screen and arma 2 becomes unresponsive Ive also tried using the steam command prompt but it has the same problems as the six launcher Dayzcommander and it has the same problems Really desperate for help here :P, so any suggestions on what may have gone wrong would be greatly appreciated :D edit: when it crashes, i can open a second window where it says data error: cyclic redunancy check. what does this mean?