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Everything posted by MarshyMello

  1. Alright, just a let us know when you want to come play, man!
  2. Sounds sexy, I'm in for some rough se-I mean adventures.
  3. I'm trying to get a group together right now. I have been playing roughly the same amount of time as you, but I just lost all my good gear. =/ Anyway, do you have Steam or a VoIP? If so, what is your name on said service(s)?
  4. MarshyMello

    Looking for a group

    What's your Steam ID? I'm trying to get a small group of survivors together.
  5. I just started playing too, but I learned pretty quickly how to stay alive and play the game. I'm looking to start a group up, if you're interested. My steam ID is marshyismello, add me if you're still interested.
  6. MarshyMello

    US player looking for (a) friend(s)

    Hey, I'm an east coast player looking for a partner or a group. I'm pretty fresh, but I'm quick to learn things. Just add me on steam and we'll get everything sorted out. My steam name is marshyismello. Thanks!
  7. MarshyMello

    Eastern US Group Survival!

    I'm east coast and looking for a group to run with too. I'm pretty new to Day Z, but I'm a pretty quick learner. I sent you a FR on Steam.
  8. MarshyMello

    Looking for a Group - Survivor

    I'm looking for a group of survivors to team up with too. Do you have a VoIP program you can use?