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Everything posted by jrockk

  1. So I ran bootcamp on my MacBook Pro and I knew I wasn't going to get the best gameplay on it but after watching videos I figured I would at least be able to have some fun with the game, was I ever wrong. The game runs horribly, takes 10 minutes just to load into a server, the game is just flat out unplayable. I've been tinkering with the settings, updating drivers, doing whatever I can to get some sort of enjoyment out of this game but it seems impossible. When I'm running and I look the left it shifts about 90 degrees move a small amount of movement from my mouse and to another kick in the sack is when I try to test out my settings and see if even function my flashlight won't even turn on. So I expect to get scolded for trying to run it on a MacBook Pro but after watching this video ( ) I thought I would be able to run it no problem seeing as the only difference is I have i5 instead of i7 but to no avail my laptop has a hard time running it on low. So please can someone explain what I am doing wrong.
  2. jrockk

    Some problems with DayZ, any help?

    I know Macs arent the best for gaming but the guy in the video is using the same video card as me
  3. jrockk

    Some problems with DayZ, any help?

    Alright so I'm going off memory, i5, 3000 HD Intel graphics card, 4GB RAM and that's all I can remember because I'm on my phone. I went to update the drivers but I wasn't sure if I was installing the driver again or updating so I didn't do anything