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Everything posted by Beanus

  1. Beanus

    Replace 'hide body' with 'drag body'

    Yeah, maybe having a shovel as a melee weapon to allow you to "hide" bodies!
  2. Beanus

    Dayz's- Believe it or Not

    I saw a player run up to me in a gillie suit and a hunting rifle, but instead of killing me, he asked if his microphone was working... then I lost connection to the server.
  3. Why would you let someone respawn next to their corpse, that ain't fun!
  4. Beanus

    The Zombie Bandit.

    My eyes hurt from attempting to read, I gave up translating after you used an unnecessary shotgun blast to that unconscious player.
  5. Only to wake up in someone else's base.
  6. If I were you I would've swapped your gun out for a melee weapon to kill zeds.
  7. Beanus

    Capturing Live Players

    Actually this has been posted 20 already.
  8. Beanus

    DayZ/Arma II&AO Lagging horribly in main menu

    Turn down your options maybe?
  9. Beanus

    Dayz for Laptops

    Depends on the system's specs.
  10. Beanus

    Do's and Do Not's when playing DayZ

    - Always run up to every player you meet yelling "FRIENDLY! DON'T SHOOT!" especially if they're sniping players in cherno.
  11. Oh I've seen lots of servers like this, its called ARMA II
  12. Beanus

    Water bottle boiling

    It would be cool to pry open safes or something.
  13. Beanus

    Worst weapon in DAYZ?

    Any Boomstick, guns are just bad karma for me, I swear, I consistently put my guns in my backpack just to use the axe, hell, one time I dropped my gun to use the axe.
  14. Beanus

    Can't repair ANY part of a vehicle

    Are you sure they're actually vehicles and not props?
  15. Beanus

    How zombies should work.

    Oh god, headshots only, I'm as bad enough marksman as it is, I can't survive that mod, Zombie Invasion or whatever its called.
  16. heh heh, Beanus blood bags, now with pre cooked beans.
  17. Now those seem to be pretty unique ideas!
  18. Beanus

    Killing bandits?

    Yes, your Humanity does not reset when you die.
  19. Beanus

    Easter Eggs in DayZ

    Santa Claus inside one of the chimneys in Cherno. Edit: oh, ideas...nevermind.
  20. For hiding bodies, you have to blame ARMA II for that.
  21. Beanus

    Epic loot just from checking the map

    remember your commas, also what video?
  22. Beanus

    zombie gear solid

    Well, on time I was walking through a town, when I saw some juicy beans on a doorstep, so I vaulted, crawled and rolled my way there, once I took the objects of value I turn around and my heart skips a beat. A zombie was right in-front of me, slowly walking by, so I did what any unarmed player would do, stop, drop then roll when hes gone. METAL GEAR! Why do I use so many commas!?
  23. Beanus

    Amazing Fan-made Trailer! [A Must Watch!]

    If DayZ was real... we probably deserved it.
  24. Beanus

    Haha thats ok, i got over it

    You got 3 choices, go on a hacking fourm and ask (even though they won't want to risk it for no reward) , get over it, or don't play anymore.
  25. That was the best thing I have ever read about DayZ