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Everything posted by Ashnik

  1. Always alt f4 when theres a hacker. There is no shame in it at all.
  2. Ashnik

    Dear Bandit.

    LOL Here take mine too. This story made me crack up.
  3. Ashnik

    I have everything, what should I do now?

    You beat teh game :D
  4. I'm looking to trade just about anything for a couple clips of Nato or an Mk48. I have rangefiners, NVGs, and GPSs. Have SVD, AS50, M107. I would trade toolbelt stuff for Nato rounds mainly.
  5. Thread close I just got one for free.
  6. Ashnik

    Would you kill the unarmed?

  7. Ashnik

    Will trade a lot for M24

    I have done about 4, We set standards and have overwatches. Two people I traded with just joined my group.
  8. Ashnik

    Will trade a lot for M24

    I don't really give a shit for stats, I just love the gun a lot. From what I know it's actually a really good gun, I barely got to use it before the server ate it. Plus we have 3 AS50s
  9. Lol I feel you bro this house is huge and creepy.
  10. Ashnik

    So criticism not allowed here?

    I would play Arma 2. Still do, It's actually quite fun at times. Civil war mode with AI is fun.
  11. Ashnik

    Tent's contents going poof.

    We moved our camp each time so yea. Can't be server hoppers. The server is almost always empty and we are on all day. I know for a fact we never were raided. We will try that first way you said. We will ask our buddy to restart it so maybe it will be fixed.
  12. Ashnik

    Tent's contents going poof.

    It can store 20 guns or tools, up to 50 other items and is placed anywhere. I don't even know why I'm saying this, cause due to the amount of posts you have you probably know most everything.
  13. Ashnik

    My Dream...

    I have it, it's in my signature :P I have the full toolbelt and all.
  14. I feel ya bro. I would rather go down in a firefight then by a hacker. Sorry 'bout all your stuff. Smart for keeping your head up and to keep going. This mod ain't prefect and hopefully it improves a lot in some of the next patches, but either way. Take my beans maybe they will be a lucky can of beans.
  15. Ashnik

    Tent's contents going poof.

    See it's weird, because I just got on, our tents were the only ones affected. We went to an old camp we raided it had all it's stuff back we raided earlier for and the owner and his friend's tents are fine. our friend Greg his tent was with ours and his is okay. So why mine and the others?
  16. Ashnik

    Tent's contents going poof.

    There are glitch places only hackers and their buddies know about. Some places no one ever check.
  17. Ashnik

    Tent's contents going poof.

    Problem is it happens ever single time, This is the third time. Our 2 AS50s stayed, but nothing else.
  18. Ashnik

    Tent's contents going poof.

    We do, we keep all the best stuff on us, but it really sucks to lose everything. I'm just wondering if its the server or something..
  19. Ashnik

    cats are coming out!!!

    Lol scapegoating and stereotyping eh? I'm so offended. My picture is of an animal that is awesomely drawn. What does that say? I like cool animal pictures? It states no where I'm a furry, you could go to my steam profile and find that one out. Edit: Maybe I should change my picture to a pony or something? Does that make me cooler? Edit2: What I see in your picture is a black woman who don't need no man cause she be an independent strong woman. Stereotyping right?
  20. Ashnik

    Shit, I'm Stuck.

    But seriously just join another server if a hacker tele'd you
  21. Ashnik

    Shit, I'm Stuck.

  22. Ashnik

    cats are coming out!!!

    LOL I laughed so hard when people kept posting, "food" XDDD
  23. Ashnik

    I've done it

    That video by the way is like running into a firefight in electro and saying "LETS GIVE PEACE A CHANCE" Everyone stops and looks at you, then shoots.