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About thekillingsmiley

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    Michigan, USA
  1. thekillingsmiley

    Servers with connection issues to central hive

    IP Address: Port: 2302 Server Name: (Public/3PP:ON) - 114557 | 24/7 DAY TIME | [soS] Regular 114557 We're still having the saving issue on our server.
  2. thekillingsmiley

    Mercenary Group/Survivors for Hire

    To be fair. I don't expect this to get going in the mod. To many things can compromise it outside of gameplay. There may be people with actual interest in joining something along the lines of what has been suggested, but I don't believe there will be much of a foot hold for something like this until the standalone. The medics hit it strong and had a noble cause which helped them get to where they are now. The cause of this proposed group....not so noble. In turn it will have a harder time.
  3. thekillingsmiley

    Mercenary Group/Survivors for Hire

    Yeah, I thought about that after I posted the OP. Would probably run in the way that you stated. However, I hope with time that survivors and bandits who join up, will learn to work together and abandon both those "tags" for being a gun for hire.
  4. Umm.........seriously? GB? GB as in Game Battles? I....I......... :huh:
  5. I did some searching through the forums to see if I could find a group of people for "hire". All I was able to find though was just a person here and there offering their services with no real plan on how to really get it going, besides just saying they'll do things. So here I am. Another player offering a service to other survivors or bandits, but I want to do more than just offer some help with raiding for loot. In turn, I have a plan of sorts... The goal would be to create a group of players. A mix of survivors and bandits together (risky, I know). These players would be up for hire at anytime. However, a schedule will be followed that would run on a first come first serve basis. Survivors and Bandits would be put through multiple "trust tests" and different forms of training. The training would include ways of how to properly setup for covering scenarios, raiding scenarios, general protection and player tracking. Now with all that said. Does this even sound interesting to people? Would anyone like to help start it? I have the resources to get it going. Website, TeamSpeak3 and so on. Bad idea? Good idea? Let me know!!
  6. thekillingsmiley

    Trading a M4A1 CCO SD... for AS50 or M107

    Good luck, sir. That is all. :thumbsup:
  7. thekillingsmiley

    Your favorite city

    Berezino and Stary are my favorites. :D
  8. thekillingsmiley

    Finding a Home.

    Me and my little group have a home just outside of Berezino. Had access to dear stands, 2 super markets, apartment buildings, and military areas. Didn't run into to much pvp eithier. Only once with a helicopter ambusing one of my group, but too bad for them they didn't know they were the ones getting ambushed. ;) Now as I think about it. Might have to head back "home" soon.
  9. thekillingsmiley

    This has to be some kind of joke.

  10. thekillingsmiley

    I died 3 times today!!!

    ;) Unfortunately, up north is kos territory. To much risk up there to start the whole friendly conversation thing. :(
  11. thekillingsmiley

    I died 3 times today!!!

    No problem! Look two posts up and I explain it a bit more. I might start just helping new players get around in the cities. Was rather fun.
  12. thekillingsmiley

    I died 3 times today!!!

    If you read the whole thing, which you obviously didn't, you would no I'm actually doing the opposite of that. Good topic check though!