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About maxipower

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. maxipower

    DayZ Developer Blog 15th April Highest one ever

    My uncle climbed Mount Everest in 2003. :)
  2. Yea I have to agree it would become annoying... But alas, isn't that the points of cars and bikes? Like realisticly cars wouldnt be as sparce... Not saying everyone has to get a car, but a few fully working ones at random spawns would be nice) And further If we look at the game as it is now, forget the standalone for a second... Most villages are useless, there are some places that literally contain no buildings, nothing to hide in nor items around, so literally nothing of value, waste space. so come the standalone, in theory, we should be doing less running as there will be more buildings to check. Going back to the number of Z, i would not only increase them in numbers and reduce there speed, but due to the sheer more amount, they would need less sight and hearing... slightly to balance the amount of them... raiding a town could be huge decision... like resting up to take on a town rather than running from town to town would be more intense I think. Like as it is now, ya basically can run through the streets, have a few Z chasing ya and not bother with them. adding stamina could make you think. if i were to do it, i wouldnt have a COD like stamina were you run and rest few secs then can run again.. defo sleep would be needed to rest your character... like if your playing for more than 6 hours a day, you should feel your character getting tired and a sleep should be required... it would make tents more viable... even 15min lie downs inside tents would suffice or round a fire... Really I could get lost in the DayZ world if i was creating it lol. PS my take on sleep wouldnt be it leaves ya vunerable but rather sleeping counts as being logged off basically so when you log off thats basically your character going to sleep... though you would need to be in a reasonablle poistion to beable to log off line in a field or house or something, not like the middle of the street.
  3. nah lol Ive heard the phrase... tbh i read it wrong the first time so had to get a suitable response that wasnt silly. ;) Logical, yes, But Dayz isnt to scale, Yea theres the 24 hour cycle... but look at how often you have to drink or eat. You dont drink in Dayz for a few hours you die... thats hardly to scale, same as food. Yes there are people who have lasted weeks without food. Yes you have to take into account that people that lasted weeks were problary not doing much moving but still you can last days, again with adreline without food and still be active. If per say stamina was implemented, it would be nice if you had to sleep.. (yea the online wouldnt reallt work, but an offline mode were it did fast forward 6 hours or so would be cool... really id like that for offline. means if you wanna choose to play at night you could. The game is based on random people not elite runners or soldiers so id say 20 mins with a bag pack and gun would be average for most people, and not being sexest but women characters would be less, an hour i would say your legs would carry you with adrenaline in real life if your lucky. without the pack yea you could run for hours but not with a pack no way. In game the longer you have your player, they could implement a system were you get fitter. opertunitys are endless.
  4. Great film, i'm more a fan of the classic zombies... infected, undead, walkers, whatever those things in Resi evil 4 were (cant think of name) really their the same. even George Romeros slow dead walkers were considered infected... see Dawn of the Dead, the 2004 remake...
  5. That says to me that you will run until you get away, hours to on end, represents till the end of time if need be and with a bag and a gun you could do that no problem... because of your adrenaline and what your body says Now now... of course i don't take you literally, but in Arma itself you can run forever. So a stamina system would be realistic and not so farfetched...Besides you run for a solid 20 mins with a bagpack and a gun... and ill personally give you a medal..
  6. Oh because there dead they can do whatever they want... sure why dont we let them spout wings and fly... Its not what they can or cant do... Its a game. Its trying to get the perfect balance.. You all have said yourselves that Zombies are too easy to get away from... Then why is change hard to accept. Why refuse ideas for alterations if the Z are sooo flawed?
  7. I used that as an example as I don't know other examples of near death experiences... If you have a more compareable scenario, please, let me hear. But what I do know is I was educated in both school and the school of hard knocks AKA life, that you cannot run forever... adrenalin only gets you so far. and no its not jogging for hours, in this game you can run forever without a break... Please that factor is important..
  8. Ieant in terms of movement, they are too unorthodox. I have had NVG, the best gear everything, camped out at the top airfield. lol Ive done everything in this game. Well ive never gotten a car/heli... but mainly due to when i played ages ago, they never worked. I mean a huge train following you, you would;d turn around and give them the dints lol.. its silly looking... all aboard the Z train.
  9. You will jog for hours on end in real life... sadly you wont. you are human. I dont know what makes you believe you are anything other than bone and muscle. especially carrying a bag pack and weapons. My uncle climbed Mount Everest, true story... he tried climbing K2 three years later, an avalanche hit him, He survived but it knocked the crap and gutts and balls, any energy he had left outa him. Killed 6 or 8 Russians that were with him. (yea and people say Russians are tough!! He was the only survivor) In no way was any adrenaline gonna get him up that mountain. Please tell me of when you have been in near death situation that could test your theory. http://en.wikipedia..../Terence_Bannon Make it if your hit, your infected and you need medical attendion, forcing you to citys that are more populated... hordes of zombies, you go into a house and its got a few more suporises for ya and you turn to see theres a few at the door you entered... your fecked... it will make choosing what house to go into more rewarding.
  10. Only because of current limits. Full game will allow everyone to have more Z. I've discussed the possibility's of the dangers of overwhelming Z. Its not fun to have to abuse the system to get away from Z tho, takes you out of the experience, and running away from them is hardly an option as always simply agros more and bam your forced to either leave town or have a huge unrealistic train of Z running behind you. Is there really a point of weapons then? seriously like, they dont have to be slow walkers, but speed reduction of 30-40 percent needed, like not slow as in walkers, but joggers... full sprinters look awful. And if thats the case, starting without a weapon makes that point null. having to leave town, simply to try again (rather than again having a huge train after you) is silly, takes from the immersion. I haven't needed to rely on it, but without it, meh just means more running around trees hoping to break there sight. immersion out the window, just slow them altodther and indoors wont matter then, let them jog inside...
  11. Please read the thread man, its not the difficulty, its merely the speed of the zombies is annoying and could be switched out for a more better experience in my opinion. Less Speed, More quantity of Z. Make they do more damage and bam you have the basis of a new experience. Standalone Dean has stated that the full game will be able to handle more Z with no frame rate issues so thats why I made this thread as its been a few months since i was last on the game and i was hoping someone had made the server I would love to play. Theres got to be some people who are fans of classic Zombies and overwhelming numbers...
  12. Stamina is something that would make sense, doesn't matter what adrenaline pumps into your body, You can only run so far... Yea more than 20ft that that joke of a game WarZ put in, but again it could be intresting, more weight you carry could effect your run speed / stamina... seriously like i said, i just wanna make the game smarter, not easier. If slower, make it that you cant take as nearly as many hits. take of 80% of your health now as Zombie encounters should be fatal,ike i said in a previous post, pasta should not cure you. Even throw in the infection to equal it up. make scratches deadly rather than the current need for a simple bandage.
  13. More Zombies would make it harder It was in the very first line... How am I making it sound like something it wasn't. Reason why I didn't make a huge wall of text to begin with is because douche bags on forums do not read... You proved that there now. Very first line. im a moron? sorry ya dont start with a gun, zombies are too lethal.. FACT is, if Dean Hall doesnt include features for "noobs" like me, Its only a matter of time before somebody makes a Dayz clone that works and will pluck players from this. Im not asking much, the aiming in this game is ass, the ammo is too scarce (though only scare because you have to use it at silly times on annoying zombies. zombies are not hard to kill but rather they are quite frankly annoying. When ya dont have a weapon, nobody likes running for several minutes just to get them off your back. Like i said, Up the numbers of them.... make it they hit harder... like less hits and your dead... but there slower... easy balance... thats a quote too ^^ dont know why quote marks wont appear..
  14. Yea he's shown a fix to the zig zagging in a recent dev video by updatinf the path finding to make it more accurate. Hopefully the standalone does try and address some of my concerns... Rossums. read the thread fully and stop being a nipple. seriously. How many times do i have to say it has nothing to do with difficulty. I have pointed out the typical drone response several times now and you continue... Seriously If I were to compare you to someone in society, it would be someone who is on the dole, claims the backside of the governments and makes no contributions to society... that's what you sound like when you post. I am simply insulting those who make no effort to contribute. You are but a troll, If you do not agree with what I have to say, fine, either ridicule my suggestions or do not post and move on. Simple
  15. The inverted commas gives the perspective to the label people like me (who complain) are given. In this case a noob. You should try and polish your understanding of the English language when reading. You don't come across very literate. To your second part... seriously, yawn... again with typical drone responses. Your all the same, do you people have minds of your own. seriously I know you wouldn't mourn me if I didn't come back... Just like if you were told you had several hours to live. I would not care. Finally a reasonable response. Dean said in his last dev dairy that with the way the server side is set up now. In the future, more mobs can be spawned with less strain on our end. perfect opportunity .. But yea thanks DubPlate for giving me a reply with some thought. :) Ha and nah... WarZ is ass lol ;)