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Everything posted by MRJOEYBON
Vehicles.. Lets be honest
MRJOEYBON replied to kreatura (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I can usually find the Old Hatchbak, as that thing is always missing every part possible except for the windshield when we go looking for it. Nobody ever takes that car. Then i've have the V35 a few times, as well as the tractor. The amount of tractors i've found, used, and left is just uncanny. -
"Let's screw everybody over due to a couple of bad apples! Yeah!" I love the mindset some people seem to have. Some people dupe items. So obviously they should be allowed to ruin the game for everybody else by forcing Rocket to remove entire features. Beautiful.
And then he logged out, logged onto another server, and ALT-F4'd during the loading screen. He's back at Elecktro and probably getting a ride from random strangers in a Helichopper this time.
Who here has killed Sacriel and his team here other than me?
MRJOEYBON replied to Kleaklejok's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Who here knows who Sacriel is other than this guy? But i digress. Gimme a link. -
How is this possible? (no dump, no Alt+F4, + timer)
MRJOEYBON replied to vacalouca's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I could see that 30 second thing really screwing people over. It's great for pvp, but not so great when you have to leave really quick and there isn't time to wipe out every zombie in the area. I can walk into a building with no zombies in it and log off, but what's to stop one from waltzing in after me and slapping me across the face, opening a ten inch wound that refuses to scab over before I disappear? -
Running Speed - Heroes faster then bandits
MRJOEYBON replied to puppetworx's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Maybe civilian clothes weigh a ton, or are still wet from spawning on the coast. Suddenly, plaid. Not wet and lightweight. Yeah. It makes sense. Sort of. I'm leaving now. -
AS50/M107 used against light armored infantry?
MRJOEYBON replied to Darkwater (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Anybody got that thread all about wound ballistics with the .50BMG? Went very slightly into temporary and permanent cativation just enough to explain that they're not the magical round of awesomeness that everybody believes them to be when used in anti-material rifles simply for the fact that their penetration usually prevents the whole yaw from occuring until it has already gone out of the other side of your body. You'll have a nice 1/2 inch hole in your body and quite possibly will still die depending on what was hit or very close to the wound, but you probably won't be losing an arm from the bullet itself or any of the like. -
(Rocket) Why are we logging in on the coast
MRJOEYBON replied to Siggy (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Good for you, but the server I play on with my friends is shutting down. We now have to find a server all of us can connect to with no problems whatsoever and then transfer all of our stuff over. I'm not even sure what to do at this point. -
We all know it. But it is out of hand now.
MRJOEYBON replied to Digitalzebra's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
>.> <.< OP can't inb4 -
Why I Want to Shoot You in the Face
MRJOEYBON replied to nano27's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Cool beans bro. I still get 10x the satisfaction out of helping people, but there are enough bandits and murderers around that when I need the rush of the firefight i'll get it. -
(Rocket) Why are we logging in on the coast
MRJOEYBON replied to Siggy (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
So it spawns you on the coast when you force shutdown? Wow. This explains so much. We couldn't connect to our usual server anymore so we had to find a server all six of us could connect to. Well that worked out well with me and my friends respawning on the coast multiple times until we finally found one that worked. Then the next day we find out we have four days to transfer all of our stuff before the server shuts down. Oh. Oh joy. -
I've murdered 110 people, I'm still alive, and i'm coming for your beans...
MRJOEYBON replied to Xiroth's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I was hoping you would die to be honest, but getting hacked to death when its not by a hatchet is just so unsatisfying. I'm sad now. I'm sad that you died. I'm going to go bang my head into the wall now. -
How To Stop The Coast Spawn Issue!!!
MRJOEYBON replied to Devmagic's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
This isn't a solution, at least not for me. Got on a server, logged off for a few minutes, and logged back on when my friends came back and suddenly, Elektro! -
Totally lost any faith I had in Rocket/dev team
MRJOEYBON replied to TheMachine's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
We are testing it though. -
If we didn't have a car right now I might actually be pissed when this happens. But we've had one guy driving from the Northwest corner of the map to Berezino regularly these past few days so it isn't affecting me that much.
Ten spare slots for primaries and five spare slots for secondary weapons. The loot can spawn somewhat in the ground so run your crosshair over the ground around the chopper, and in literally every crash i've come across except for one that was actually on the top of the NWAF has had a good weapon spawn in the helicopter, underneath of the metal. Even if one or two people have gotten to the crash before you there's a good chance they didn't check under the actual chopper themselves.
[1.5.7] Keep Spawning at the Coast
MRJOEYBON replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
Same issue. Logged off north of Gorka. Respawned at Solichiniy, my destination. I was happy about that until we switched to a different server and I spawned at Otmel. Ran back to Solichiny, went to a different server, spawned at Elecktro. -
"No one tries to help others" The other day me and a survivor I literally just met coming around the corner turned and looked into the firehouse and saw a guy being eaten by zombies. Without saying a word to each other or attempting to kill the other we went to save whoever this poor soul was. I was getting bored of being kitted up with full gear so I put it all somewhere and killed myself to respawn at the coast and interact with noobs. That was a fun time. Once we're finished recovering from a recent hack attack I think i'll do it again.
Hackers, and the state of the standalone game?
MRJOEYBON replied to KetchupOnTheDog's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I'm really tired of everybody freaking out over hackers. Rule #1- Don't get attached to your loot. That was everybody's mantra, slogan, bedtime prayer, and name when the forums were all survivors complaining about bandits a week ago. But now that hackers show up it's okay to cry about losing our loot, and its okay to name your AS50 Spitfire's Thunder then flip out when it's gone. You can get a good gun with loads of food and already be headed North within ten minutes of spawning, and be at the NWAF within an hour. Even if all you've got is an hour you can come back the next day. Yes hackers are a problem, yes I have been hacked. In six hours over the course of a week a few friends and I went from having no vehicles to seven without stealing any of them except for one, and then lost everything because of hackers. So horrible. But they're working to fix it and crying won't solve anything. -
Where is your DayZ "home"?
MRJOEYBON replied to zython (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I used to live just north of Berezino. Paranoid with fear of losing our car entire ride from Berezino to Golova and back. The second I drop my guard, on some back road in the middle of nowhere, AS50 shot that definitely came from the hacker who was handing them out the other day pierces through our car tire and everybody dies. Now we just wander. Went from having a bunch of vehicles to getting shot by AS50s everywhere from nearby the airfield to inside the grocery store. It's an epidemic. -
I keep telling myself that one day i'm just going to find a bunch of frag 'nades and server hop that spot blowing up tent after tent after tent. But I never get around to it.
Decided to go check out a high population server on the coast with a friend of mine. Stored all of our stuff away, killed ourselves, and respawned on the coast. The server had side channel enabled and a steady 48-50 people online. The first guy I met was friendly and hunting a bandit. Ran into him two more times in electro. There were corpses in every building. Ran into the grocery store where I met another friendly who didn't say much. Ran outside, went prone, and rolled around until I got sniped. Respawned at Cap Golovo I think, and ran to electro. On the way over I saw a helichopper crash. Ran over to it getting closer and closer when I met probably the only other black guy in Dayz prone in the woods by a chopper. Popped out of the grass and aimed a gun at me, then lowered upon myself declaring friendly. Then I looked at the chopper and realized it was an intact chopper. He said it needed an engine and windscreen glass, which I told him if I found it i'd bring it back for him and then left. Got into cherno and the first things I find are an engine and windscreen glass. I bring it back asking around for the guy when heavy lag hit me, preventing me from fixing the chopper. Then I get axed in the back once. My legs break but it lets me in the chopper anyway. Without the engine it wouldn't start, and crazy axe maniac axed the chopper until it exploded. Worst part was he had the zombie face. Within ten minutes he was on some sort of crazy axing spree and the entire server was out to get him. Respawned outside of electro and ran through, meeting another friendly by the firehouse. A third friendly who neither of us even knew had gone in and was getting eaten by zombies, and without either of us having even exchanged words at all (dunno how we knew the other was friendly) we both went to save him. Killed the zombies eating him by he bled out. By that time we were getting sniped at again so we both parted ways. Found a Lee Enfield and then left electro. Met up with my friend who had spawned in Cherno where we saved another survivor's life and let him go on his way. From there we ran back to electro's firehouse where a man had taken up position on the roof and was sniping people. He killed my friend as I returned fire and then had to move due to my shaking limbs preventing me from getting a good shot. Without painkillers I was forced to move closer. By the time I got there another group of people had coordinated an attack and killed the firehouse sniper with a combination of suppressive fire and a double barreled shotgun. Before I could exchange words I fell off of the firehouse and died. At that point I got hungry and left. The point of that little fence of text right there is I met about six friendlies in an hour. The other day I met three friendlies in the span of twenty minutes at the NWAF. Each time I had the drop on them, and each time they each had a pistol or a silenced pistol out compared to my MP5. Two out of the three had better gear than me, but we were each friendly so none of that mattered.
And we can disagree with his sociopathicness as we please.
To the chumps who Alt F4 and abort.
MRJOEYBON replied to tandwan's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Am I the only one who expects this when people log off in a firefight? Honestly every time somebody disconnects after I shoot depending on if where i'm headed is important or not, I either get out of there or set up in a different spot that gives me a view of my old spot or any routes leading up to it. -
I see two categories: Those who don't ambush me Those who ambush me. Most bandits i've met have been the latter. What were you doing hiding over there, Johnny Appleseed? What were you doing?