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Posts posted by Tcduncan23

  1. All right I fixed it... Heres what you do if you can't see the city when you start or if you lose your stuff everytime you log off, completley delete all your arma 2 folders and dayz folders and do a complete new install through steam, then do your dayz install through your 6 launcher... make sure you delete everything!!! and make sure you do your dayz install through 6 launcher don't make any @dayz folders or non of that trash. =]

  2. Hey does anyone know what I could do to get it to start showing my city location when I first enter the game I hear the noise it makes and I have everything set for my monitors native resolution, also not sure if it is related but I get this error everytime http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/41627-hud-doesnt-fit/ and also when i open my gear to use anything I have to right click it then drag the gear display out of the way to actually click on the action for the item.


  3. Ok, well I started them both up loaded up a scenario in boot mode, and started up my steam in admin mode have it running in the back, but I don't know when the servers will come back so I can't test it lol... the only server I had gotten into earlier was mvw, which now has like max ping... and plus I've completley removed everthing since then to try to fix it which probably just made it worse lol... I was going to try to reinstall the arma games on steam but I'm not really sure how, thats kind of embarrassing, I saw where I could delete them but I don't want to have to dl all of that mess again. thanks hopefully I will finally be able to play I did notice that battleye would do its thing right before I got kicked out but it didn't really say anything weird just something about it being up to date on the current version.
