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Everything posted by INICK

  1. have to give you beans he could have killed you even if you healed him so you risked your life for him know thats someone that knows how to play
  2. INICK

    Freebie Friday - DayZ Giveaway!

    hope i win
  3. INICK

    [Standalone] Solution for everything

    and i also read it so please calm down
  4. INICK

    [Standalone] Solution for everything

    alot of words for what they dont care for
  5. INICK

    Female Zombies

    We know you just want to stare at the beach zombies.. jking
  6. INICK

    Army vet looking to squad up.

    Thank you for serving sir
  7. they didnt i didnt get unbanned they only banned it from a 2 day period when it was starting atleast 4 days ago
  8. I am still not unbanned does it take a little bit
  9. ^^got a global ban for nothing too
  10. I have never Cheated. and i get banned right when i get into the screen too see the players just because you havnt gotten banned doesnt mean others didn't
  11. INICK

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    anyone got banned without doing anything i just installed the new beta patch and i go a global ban
  12. INICK

    Got a global ban for playing on a server.

    i didnt even do anything i just updated to the new aram 2
  13. INICK

    Player stuck in prone

    get a morphine
  14. INICK

    Barn on fire?

    could be a crash from a car or something
  15. INICK

    how to kill my char

  16. just change the graphics card not a computer...
  17. INICK

    how to kill my char

    wait till you die out
  18. INICK

    Error when I log in.. since new patch.

    intergrate files on steam
  19. INICK

    Sence the new patch...

    If you read the forums alot of people are its a glitch from the barbed wires
  20. INICK

    A Newb's Tale

    happened to me also i get nervous when i met people in the game if you stay with them is i learned you stay behind them