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About Duazt

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    On the Coast
  1. Only thing I found in Cherno was a Ghillie Ninja who saved me before a sniper took me out, and when I respawned outside of Cherno, some dude staring at me from inside a construction site with a hatchet.
  2. Duazt

    To the Ghillie Ninja.

    Where was he anyways? I was thinking of climbing up that tower-like structure with my shotgun to see if he was up there when I returned... But then I decided, I finally got a damned weapon that was not a hatchet or a crowbar and didn't want to risk em. I will note however if I log back into another server or the same server and my guns are gone *again* I'm going to be pissed. Happened the first time I got a Makarov PM and four clips :(
  3. My name is Dirk, thank you for saving from those zombies I was hiding from, awesome Ghillie Ninja.This was in, or outside of Cherno-whatever. Damned sniper got me from out of no where, I hoped you survived. Thankfully, I spawned in the same spot outside of Cherno as when I got there originally, and then found medical tents filled with tons of bandages, morphine, painkillers, epi-pens and blood packs, and then a shotgun and a pistol. So thank you, Epic Ghillie Ninja, on server US284. I hope the sniper didn't get you too. To the Sniper: Why would you shoot the unarmed noob first rather then the damned ghillie suited person with an rifle?
  4. My internet speed according to my wireless network connection box...Thingie is... 54 Mbps On similar note, I also have similar problems with TREES in the newer version of M&B: With Fire and Sword Edit :I would like to note that the computer I stated is the one I am GETTING and not the one I have now. What is the most likely issue is that I am running this on a oldish laptop, the ASUS U50A. Then again I did just play in Arma II, in differing bootcamp things, such as the firing range, and the first mission for a little bit and the TREES did not make my game unplayable beacuse of the speed. Second Edit: Currently, I have cleaned out my computer using ccleaner and deleted a lot of unused files, thus I am able, at least on some of the seemingly BETTER servers can run decently, a few trees don't have a lot of impact but a large forest does. Buildings and the like don't decrease my FPS at all. The damned forests man, the damned forests.
  5. Anywho, I was just fooling around in Arma II Singleplayer and some regular OA Singleplayer, and for the most part I can run it fine, however in Day Z regardless of my settings my FPS drops to half if not less. Any suggestions for fixing that and defeating the trees? Keep messing around with my settings but nothing seems to help, I attempted to use that "RAMDisk" but either I have done that wrong or that does not help that much. My computer is a bit aged at this point in time, the graphics card is also a bit shitty compared to newer things planning on getting a new computer. From what I can guess from the page on Newegg, it is a "CyberpowerPC Gamer Xtreme 1343 Desktop PC" or something along that lines, would that be sufficient enough to run Day Z?