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About XtortionBear

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    On the Coast
  1. Strange that I stumble onto this topic, because the exact same thing happened to me and 2 of my friends last night. We attempted to log in multiple times over the course of about 15 minutes and when we weren't getting stuck at loading screens we were getting kicked. I'm sorry that I don't have proof of the incident, but if you remember seeing global kick messages about Bear, Elliot, and Black Rambo then you can corroborate my story. We kind of assumed they were doing something shitty, but we wondered why they didn't just lock the server for 'maintenance'. It's a shame that people have to be like that. Part of the game is trying to find vehicles. That's why vehicles are so exciting to find! They might as well be playing Halo where you're practically given something to drive.
  2. XtortionBear

    Weapons Overhaul

    I was just thinking of making a new thread to suggest replacing the Lee Enfield with the Mosin Nagant and then I found this. I actually made this account to suggest it. It's so much more realistic that the Mosin Nagant be the loud, powerful, slow, early-game weapon instead of the Enfield. I'm really not entirely sure why the Enfield is in the game at all; it's a British weapon. And obviously as you stated above, the Mosin Nagant was originally made (and mass-produced) in Russia. I've seen estimates of around 17 million made in Russia from 1891 onwards which is reason enough to include it. It's common. Plus, it's Russian! Of course, I'm sure some would complain about the halved magazine size. But those round are damn powerful. I own two Nagants and I know the weapon and its history. I just think it feels 'right' for them to be in DayZ. Anyways, you have my beans. Tally-ho.