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A Bush killed me

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Everything posted by A Bush killed me

  1. fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap
  2. A Bush killed me

    This game is garbage at its current state.

    Sounds like this is the first time you have played Day z.
  3. A Bush killed me

    DayZ at GamesCom

    thanks for the pic. Pretty bad the only picture is from a fan, seriously?
  4. A Bush killed me

    Why geared up players are hard to kill

    This is why 50 cals are in game,
  5. If only rocket could release a stable patch and stop worries about all this dumb fuck PR shit.
  6. A Bush killed me

    Fastest gear I've ever gotten

    Dear mod do you know how laggy this fkin forum is? I have posted tons of triple thread because of lag.
  7. A Bush killed me

    Alpha to Stand A Lone game..

    no more than 30 bucks. BETTER FUCKIN PANIC!!!! poor bastard.
  8. yep, we all know this. Only thing he knows how to do it talk about things in interviews
  9. A Bush killed me

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    Doing it on current gen consoles would make me lol in rockets face irl if i saw him.
  10. A Bush killed me

    DayZ at GamesCom

    lol the vids dont show anything worthwhile. Dogs seem to be nothing but vanity pets that follow you around , kinda like world of warcraft pets atm.
  11. A Bush killed me

    Please wipe all servers of items, tents and vehicles

    no, i worked hard to keep my tents hidden and filled with lolz.
  12. A Bush killed me

    Would you play Dayz without Zombies?

    LOL, no but it sure seems like i play day z with out zombies already.
  13. A Bush killed me

    Should NVGs be more common?

    i wish. hopefully the standalone fixes the terrible terrible darkness.
  14. A Bush killed me

    Explain this rocket?

    he might care if this was posted on reddit or 4chan
  15. A Bush killed me

    DayZ - Beyond a joke.

    its ok because day z will be released on consoles!!!!
  16. A Bush killed me

    DayZ at GamesCom

    need more info and pics from gamescom. wtf
  17. A Bush killed me

    DayZ on consoles

    I could care less if it is ported to consoles. This would allow all of my friends to play with me because they are all die hard console players, i am sick of playin alone. The thing that bothers me the most is why the FUCK! is this even on the table when so many other things need attention?
  18. A Bush killed me

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    I would like to see a console that could handle a full Day z version. This wont happen for a long ass time people. CALM THE FUCK DOWN.
  19. A Bush killed me

    Day Z vs The War Z

    Um, if you die in warz you have to wait so many hours before you can make a new one or pay irl money to respawn. WHO THE FUCK WANTS TO PLAY THAT!?
  20. A Bush killed me

    Do a lot of girls play dayz?

    12/f/pony island
  21. A Bush killed me

    1 ducking quit....

    I fucking dont care....
  22. A Bush killed me

    Your wishes for DayZ standalone?

    I would like a shake weight to come with the collectors edition.
  23. A Bush killed me

    Finally geared up - What to do?

    Roll play with me in a bush. I will be a lumberjack and cut down wood with my hatchet. You can be my lady who makes me pancakes. OK?
  24. A Bush killed me

    Introduce yourselves

    Hello, my name is derrick or scumbagcamper in game. I rage on the forums more than i play. I am a nurse irl who only works 2 days a week because i still live with my parents.