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Everything posted by duza9999

  1. duza9999

    Starting a new group

    Why did you remove me?
  2. duza9999

    Starting a new group

    Skype my Skype is duza9999
  3. duza9999

    Starting a new group

    I'll join I need a group and I am a great pilot if we ever find a Huey also I run my own server we can use and I have Skype.msg me and will talk.
  4. duza9999

    Spawning with friends

  5. duza9999

    Spawning with friends

    Great Idea I love It.
  6. duza9999

    Suggestion: Radio's

    I love that Idea The map is so big its a pain.
  7. YA pm me me too please I'll join and I can record also with no lag so we can have different points of view and will we use skype to talk to each other,TS3 ect But I would love to join.
  8. duza9999

    XxX Clan

    You banned me.......
  9. duza9999

    XxX Clan

    Are you guys using ventrilo?
  10. duza9999

    XxX Clan

    I'll join how many people are in though?
  11. Well I pay for it and it's 50 per month so I sure as hell would not let it be black listed so I'm leaving it locked.
  12. I have a server I can turn private I use it to train my squad but I have TS3 so send over the ip and we will talk.
  13. I'll team up with you I have a 15 man army
  14. duza9999

    hackers ruined it for me, such a shame

    I am the server owner of Server US 383 In game name duza9999 I am sorry we were doing some bug test thats why you legs might have broke but as for a invisable player please tell me the name and I will ban him also Im building a army and it has 14 players already in it so if you would like to join just msg me and we will talk.
  15. Hey add me my skype is duza9999 or just tell me yours I have a army with 15 players now and every day we grow stronger I have my own server were we drill new players and teach them how to survive so add me on skype and we will talk.