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Shade (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Shade (DayZ)

  1. Hello there all, I recently just started to play Lingor Island; but not new to the Day Z mod. I am still not quite familiar with the map as I just started a couple days ago, I have a map in-game so I know where I am. I am looking for a Lingor Island based clan or people to play with, experienced or inexperienced (at least the basics.) Preferably in the US and Pacific Standard Time zone. Contact me on steam : HumbleKnowOne I also have Team Speak.
  2. Shade (DayZ)

    Looking for someone to play Lingor with

    I just started Lingor, you or whoever wants to play add me on steam: HumbleKnowOne
  3. Shade (DayZ)

    The shock mechanic

    I'm having the same exact problem right now, I have 12k blood and I haven;t been in any fight or injury. I thought it was my hunger problem because I was hungry when I logged in but I have eaten and I still logged in unconscious.
  4. Shade (DayZ)

    Inventory Bug After Logging off and Logging In!

    Samething happened to me when I was tryin to join a server that was almost full through DayZ Commander , and then I took my own slot in the game and showed me "Maximum numbers of players reached." ; and when I was waiting for a slot to open and as I joined, I was #2 of myself. And then when I fully logged in, I was spawned on the coast with the same problem as you; no weapons primary/secondary, no backpack, I only had SOME of my equipment left that was left in my own "pockets"
  5. Shade (DayZ)

    Vest Pouches!

    Yeah the vest pouch is a useless item. I think the max range you can see a chemlight on someone and on the ground is 100m.
  6. Shade (DayZ)

    Vest Pouches!

    Sorry my internet screwed up and I double posted.
  7. Shade (DayZ)

    High ping 1000<

    My friend who just bought Arma 2: CO is having the same problem with DayZ. While I'm waiting in the lobby, I can see his ping always spike up to 400-600ms ALWAYS. We both know it's not his internet also or his computer because Arma2 multiplayer runs very smoothly. He was able to play smoothly when he first got it but it just happened suddenly. Also not just in one server, we joined multiple servers.
  8. Shade (DayZ)

    Vest Pouches!

    I like the fanny pack idea with the cvech vest pouch, and you can open it just like the backpack. That would be pretty cool
  9. Shade (DayZ)

    I was turned into a Pig :(

    HAHAHA! man i was laughing when you were like "what? uh..what? omg i am, i am a pig."
  10. Did you run Arma 2, then Arma 2 OA? not Arma 2: CO(which is an option while trying to run Arma 2 OA). Individually run them once if you didn't already. Also use DayZ Commander, its more better than Six Launcher I personally think.
  11. Shade (DayZ)

    On the coast again...?

    And also when your launching DayZ through DayZ Commander to join a server with barley any slots left and it tells you the maximum number has reached when the game is finished loading through dayz commander. Then I joined the same server when a slot opened up, I saw myself in the server and I became the #2; which I didn't think it was a problem because it happened to me before. Until I spawned on the coast with no weapons, no backpack at all, and a few clips from my m16 and some medical supplies but some have been deleted. Then got teleported in the air by a hacker and killed haha. I dunno how this happened, I was on my 14th day survivor that was in Prigodorki. I guess when someone took my slot when I was trying to join my data got messed up; but at the sametime I didn't even load the map..
  12. Shade (DayZ)

    barbed wire - most broken thing in this game.

    You can take it down with or without the toolbox I think. By going up to the part where it has 2 of the legs almost crossing each other near the middle area, instead of the sides where it has one leg on each side to hold the wire up. Then you open the gear menu with the scroll things and it should say REMOVE CAT WIRE.
  13. Shade (DayZ)

    Please, DONT add a bandit-indicator in this patch

    Exactly, What tension? I don't understand this "tension" or "fear" people are feeling when they see another player. It's already been proven many times to a whole lot of players that it's KoS or jus simply avoid other players.
  14. Shade (DayZ)

    Please, DONT add a bandit-indicator in this patch

    Lol that is true.Also the fact of people saying it's unrealistic for people to be having a bandit skin, it is also unrealistic for more than almost everybody and I repeat more than almost, not all, kos
  15. And the bandit Lfg begins once again
  16. I don't use scripts or anything like that and I never got kicked for anything.
  17. Shade (DayZ)

    Please, DONT add a bandit-indicator in this patch

    I can see how that can be abused. for the 15 ft thing, I think the logging of info about a player attacking another playeralso I think you shouldnt be able to steal out of ones pack to support the logging system.
  18. Shade (DayZ)

    Please, DONT add a bandit-indicator in this patch

    That is true but I think there should be a logging of information if there is such as, Player-A shot but didn't kill Player-B, Player-C(who isn't associated with Player-B; as in not trying to "protect", it still wouldn't count as protection because theres no "team" in the mod.) hears gun fire (whose in the vicinity of the weapon fired.), sees and kills Player-A but won't get a murder count because the system logged that Player-A fired a Makarov PM or whatever weapon the player uses upon another Player. Also with self defense; Player-A shoots Player-B, system logs that A "attacked" B therefore B can kill A without receiving a murder count. That is only if the system can log such information with timestamps as well but it would seem like way too much data.
  19. Shade (DayZ)

    Stay away from these guys

    This thread made me laugh. I also was compelled to join the server and watch the firefights so i checked it on DayZ Commander. Theres only 1 person in the server right now in -August 7th 2012 12:15 AM PST- named "user"; been in there for quite some time now. Im suspecting something....
  20. Bonafide product of the media, and those who gave their beans.
  21. Shade (DayZ)

    This is how DayZ should be

    I like that video. Definitely DayZ should be like this. only thing missing on this mod is the days aspect of food water and gathering
  22. Shade (DayZ)

    They hit us and ran when they started losing.

    You'll never see those names again as they probably saw this thread and their names.
  23. Shade (DayZ)

    They hit us and ran when they started losing.

    You'll never see those names again as they probably saw y