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Everything posted by Mauler184

  1. Low-medium settings. As everyone said before, beef up te GPU there are good options available at low prices now.
  2. Waldo dude!! :D Make more vids with xcal already! :(
  3. Mauler184

    Crowbar use!

    I saw this in another thread but I want to capitalize off of it. Crowbars can be added on to the tool belt and the spawn rate can be less rare in industrial areas. Then you have a use for it. Ammo Boxes. Even Medical Boxes. You can use the scroll wheel to have an action to open it with that. Thoughts?
  4. Mauler184

    Crowbar use!

    Of maybe a better med box accessible with it
  5. Mauler184

    DayZ Stories

    Damn. I wrote that all on an iphone with 3% battery. Beans please?
  6. Mauler184

    DayZ Stories

    First real attempt at surviving. Still on that attempt as well :3 (Precious life backstory) 2 of my friends and i are going through balota. I have no weapon, as my friends have cleared the hangars and everything there. I meet with them and I get a set of binoculars, and an AK. My friends ask me to provide over watch on ten as they raid the deer stands to the SE of the strip. I use my binocs and provide over watch from the top of the air traffic control tower. As they are halfway over there I'm calling out where the zombies are everything goes black. I realize I got shot. The shooter spawned next to me with an M16 and capped me in the head. I was loosing blood but I regained consciousness as I was yelling at my friends to spray in my direction to scare him off. It sure as hell worked! He logged and I regained consciousness with 2K blood. At the time, I was a noob so I didn't know he logged. I got down, no broken limbs but low blood. I got behind the fence as my friends combed the field. I passed the fence, as I saw a figure moving. My friend instantly killed me. So friendly fire sucks. They made their way to the deer stands, zombies got in the way, they died. We all started anew, met at the airfield restocked and looted our Bodies and logged for the night. Next day (current life) my friend tells me I owe him an AK mag and I have raid the tents for it. (mind you the ak mag he used to kill me) I get there an I see a pile of zombies under a stand. I see a guy is looting the stands on the opposite Western face of the stands. I'm on the East side. I let him loot them, let him come to the one next to me, and as he climbs the ladder I shoot and kill him. (I know. Low blow.) That is the only player kill I have ever commuted and felt horrible for it. But my asshole friend it the AK mag he wanted!!!
  7. Luckiest- On the way the NWAF 2 crashaites within 5 minutes of each other. M107 2 mags FN FAL ANSPV yeah that one. And my current life Is pretty lucky. 25 days and counting :D Unluckiest- spawning in the northernmost woods gutting a pig mind you, I killed it with a hatchet. 2 snipers with dmrs open fire on my squad of 3. I and another squad mate survived. The guys with an m107 died.
  8. Mauler184

    Gunrunners Arms Dealing

    OP, I'm really going to be busy for the next week or so. But when I get a chance I will hop on. Can't wait to do this :D
  9. Mauler184

    Gunrunners Arms Dealing

    Ok. I'm totally up for this. I want to join your crew. Along with my friend. I can do everything listed. I'm on EST and probably can play on weekends and lightly throughout the week. Looter driver everything. Sounds like a lot of fun! Will hopefully keep te game interesting. I have valuables of my own. If something were to happen to me while on the job, could I be reimbursed or at least have a place to store them? If so im totally in. PM me
  10. Great video i subbed to you :D