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Particle (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Particle (DayZ)

  1. I've been trying to update to 0.7.4 as per the email last week, but both of the links in the email have been dead every time I've tried to use them. I was curious if anyone had an idea of where a working download for it is. Alternatively, if 0.7.4 is unavailable now, does anyone know if the new DayZ mod revision can work with the older version of Hive (0.7.3)?
  2. Particle (DayZ)

    Working DayZ Hive Download?

    Indeed that appears to be the case. I'm up and running now, thank you.
  3. Particle (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Is there a working manual download page anywhere? The "mirror" seems to be going offline every few seconds.
  4. I put up a new server yesterday and noticed nobody has been joining. This struck me as odd since people frequently talk about how often times all servers will be at capacity and it's difficult to get in anywhere. Any time I had tried to join the server after setting it up it worked fine. I could get in game and play around. Only later did I notice someone commenting that they couldn't get in. Messing around, I discovered that there is a difference between when people try to join using Six Launcher and when they join in-game. I had been joining the server using the in-game browser and never had an issue, but when I use Six Launcher it just says "Waiting for host" forever. Has anyone else ever had this experience to know what might be the matter?
  5. Particle (DayZ)

    New server; players not joining

    We're going back to automatic restarts every six hours. I think I've fixed the scheduled launch problem so that we don't end up with multiple instances now. While I say "every six hours" it's a bit of a misnomer. Launches will occur at midnight, 6 AM, noon, and 6 PM central time regardless of when the last start was. If the server crashes unexpectedly, it will re-launch after a 30 second cooldown period. Those relaunches and manual launches will not change the 12-6-12-6 launch schedule.
  6. Particle (DayZ)

    New server; players not joining

    New RAM is in and recognized. Voice and game services will resume shortly.
  7. Particle (DayZ)

    New server; players not joining

    Server will be offline for ~30 minutes for a RAM upgrade.
  8. Particle (DayZ)

    New server; players not joining

    Oh, that's weird. Task scheduler doesn't appear to be terminating the old session like it's supposed to. Right now it's set up to stop the server and start it up again every six hours. I was told this is necessary to keep things from lagging up. I'll have to fix the two-instance thing.
  9. Particle (DayZ)

    New server; players not joining

    I'll have to see if I can figure out why it's not showing up in DayZ Commander this weekend. --- Thank you all for the compliments, by the way. The server's specifications follow in case anyone is interested: AMD Opteron 6234 (12 Core, 2.4 GHz base, 3.0 GHz turbo) 64 GB Kingston DDR3 ECC/Reg HighPoint RocketRAID 2710 PCIe HW RAID controller 4 x 10K RPM 300 GB HDDs in RAID-5 AT&T Fiber OC3 100/100 Mbps --- I see the task scheduling ended up spawning two instances of the server this morning. heh Let me see if I can fix that...
  10. Particle (DayZ)

    New server; players not joining

    I'm not particularly familiar with their play style as I haven't played much yet. I put up a server at their request, but you're more than welcome here if you wish. I'll ask them over Steam what their play style is like. --- I've figured out what is happening, just not why. I'm hosting my server on 2302 (standard port), but Six Launcher launches the client with the wrong port specified. It specifies the correct (external) IP but port 18750 for some reason. No wonder it doesn't work. --- Tertiary note: I've set up the server to reset every six hours (midnight, 6 AM, noon, 6 PM). I was told it's necessary for the Arma2 OA server to not start lagging. If this is in error, please let me know.
  11. Particle (DayZ)


    I don't understand how it is that people do not understand that BattlEye is not affiliated with DayZ. Rocket (and others) say it over and over and over and people still post stuff about how Rocket's BE system is flawed. It's not his ffs. These people need to go here if they need BE support.
  12. Particle (DayZ)

    Wait for Host issue

    Does it work if you join by other means such as using the in-game browser or direct connect? I've seen the same issue before but it appears to be server-specific. Some I can join with SL and others I can't but I can join the ones I can't if I join them using direct connect.
  13. Particle (DayZ)

    New server; players not joining

    That much is really strange. It does show up in Six Launcher, so it must be listing with a master browser. I tested it myself last night and found the new patch didn't fix the join-from-six-launcher problem. I'm not sure about the in-game browser as I've always been doing direct connect by hostname where it adds the server to the in-game browser manually.
  14. Particle (DayZ)

    New server; players not joining

    Patch applied. Anyone care to see if you can join from the server browser now?
  15. Particle (DayZ)

    New server; players not joining

    I received a notice in my email of a new beta patch today. This issue seems to be one of the things it might address. The wording was a bit vague, so I can't be certain. I'll apply it tonight and see what happens.
  16. Particle (DayZ)

    Connecting Failed

    No luck here with my server. In-Game Browser -> Wait for host Six Launcher -> Wait for host In-Game Direct IP -> OK / Works fine I'm running beta patch 95248 with Day Z v1.7.2.3. I don't see any NAT negotiation errors or anything, but it's like the master server is reporting the wrong address or something. Since direct IP joins work fine and people can play if they do that, the server itself must be working. It's also worth noting that the server does list on the master browser list but always has a 9999 ping. Once in-game, ping shows reasonable values. If a person does a direct IP server add in-game, it also shows a ping there. It's only when using the master browser list that things break down.
  17. Particle (DayZ)

    New server; players not joining

    The master server does appear to be registered correctly. It does show up on the server browser after all. As for ports, I forwarded inbound 2302 (game), 2303 (master browser), and 2305 (in-game voice) as was mentioned here (other sites seemed to agree). Outbound is not restricted. Is there anything else it might be? The fact that it works using direct IP would seem to suggest the server itself is ok. It's only when using a server browser that things get weird, like the listing in the browser isn't sending people to the server's external IP but rather the one the server is actually binding to (an internal address) or something. The machine is connected to a firewall+router machine I've got in the same rack right above it instead of being directly connected.
  18. Particle (DayZ)

    New server; players not joining

    I'm glad it performs well for you. It's hosted out of Kansas City. You and your friends are more than welcome to set up camp here. :)
  19. Particle (DayZ)

    New server; players not joining

    Ok, now that's kind of funny. As soon as I posted that, after 20 hours of nobody joining, people start filling in. I have to assume it's people who read the above post instead of people who were using the server browser. To those of you who did: What method did you use to get in-game? Six launcher, in-game browser, other?
  20. Particle (DayZ)

    New server; players not joining

    Sure thing. DayZ - US 1208 (v1.7.2.3/Beta 95248) [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON][GMT-5] dayzmod.com - hosted by Particle Address: aoede.pcrpg.org / Automatic Server Resets: 12 AM, 6 AM, 12 PM, 6 PM Central (Every six hours) Make sure to get to a save point by those times!
  21. Particle (DayZ)

    How to setup public DayZ dedicated server

    I do have a mic, so that should work out nicely. Please PM your vent details if you're up to it. :) Thanks.
  22. Particle (DayZ)

    How to setup public DayZ dedicated server

    I'm a bit miffed on the setup procedure. The welcome email does contain instructions, but it references resources that don't exist. For instance, the download for the server files it references doesn't exist anymore. I emailed support asking about that and was linked to an FTP site which didn't have the files the instructions talked about either. I'm not really sure how to proceed. How did you guys do it?