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Everything posted by xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)

  1. xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)

    Take three

    yeah shit quality, there's three dudes walking up on it.
  2. xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)


    http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/1154298234167429152/F6ED26FBBECFF8830FC5E86279A7024D9E0BC3DF/1024x576.resizedimage Was so worth the wait...
  3. xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)


    Don't fuck around
  4. xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)

    Add Paper and Pen and Inc to the game

    That's a really good idea actually
  5. xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)


    haters be hatin.. lol Unfortunately that does work. I am playing on an acer aspire laptop until I upgrade in the fall.
  6. xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)

    Hellfish Trades"r"us inc.

    Looking for a svd camo and a m4a1 camo sd. Online now!
  7. xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)

    Makarov Vs m249 Saw

    I call bs on him shooting first
  8. xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)


  9. xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)

    Trading for SVD CAMO and M9(Sd)

    As the title suggests I'm looking to trade for an svd camo ,as well as an m9(sd). Must have ammo! I've got a quite the armory going on right now, l85as's, nvg, ghillie, camo. I'll ahve a link posted that'll direct you to my trading post. My information is there. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/55611-hellfish-tradesrus-inc/
  10. xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)

    Hellfish Trades"r"us inc.

    bump I've found some on heli crashes
  11. xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)

    Trading for SVD CAMO and M9(Sd)

  12. xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)

    Hellfish Trades"r"us inc.

    bump-a-lump Yeah, I'm still looking for a an svd and an m9sd. Drop me a line, will be online for a while.
  13. xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)

    Hellfish Trades"r"us inc.

    yeah I've seen people wondering about that. The M4 cco sd is a rare weapon you find on heli crashes.
  14. xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)

    Hellfish Trades"r"us inc.

  15. xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)

    Hellfish Trades"r"us inc.

    new gear!
  16. xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)

    Looking to join a clan/group.

    Steam: xxhellfishxx in-game: Hellfish age:25 male time zone: -3:30 gmt Newfoundland Lots of experience, started in April and have been ever since. None of my RL friends play so I'm typically playing solo. I'm after starting up and successfully managing multiple camps over multiple servers. Can't count how many atv's I'm after losing in this game, lol. I'm looking to change it up a notch and join up with a good crew of frequently playing dayz gamers. I can supply plenty of ammo, med-gear and goodies. -Hellfish p.s. if you can't legally drink please don't pm lol
  17. xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)

    Honor Over Death | Hodpowered.com | Clan Recruitment

    Ingame Name: Hellfish Age: 25 Timezone: -3:30 gmt Newfoundland Do you have TeamSpeak: yes Do you have a Microphone: yes How long have you been playing DayZ: 4 months
  18. xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)

    (Ceased Trading)

    pm'd you guys with an offer
  19. xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)

    Hellfish Trades"r"us inc.

    ps all weapons will come with 2 clips and everything is legitimately earned, no duping.
  20. Until that rifle'e talen outta the game, or nerfed the fuck, I think I'll be avoiding heli's in the near future.
  21. xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)

    [Video] Touching off 90 satchel charges at once!!

    "they are fair game." I really hate that.
  22. xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)

    Worst 30$ spent.

    Yeah, love reading comments like these. You obviously blow just suck.
  23. xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)

    us35 Walkingdead

    also if by hours and days of work, more like 20 minutes of duping gear.
  24. xxHELLFISHxx (DayZ)

    us35 Walkingdead

    I'd do the exact same thing