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About Apocrypha8

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  1. Apocrypha8

    I killed my first man today.....

    What a thrilling end to your first DayZ encounter, you will learn your playstyle in time; bandit, hero, or survivor!
  2. Apocrypha8

    Where am I ? (The Official)

    think its gorka, i ran at a weird angle. or dubrovka
  3. Apocrypha8

    Where am I ? (The Official)

    I'm completely lost, i ran up the hill from Polana after finding a M70 with ammo, theres a water tower and a town with a police station. Where am I? I think Stary? Pics are from phone cuz i have overlay disabled, so potatoish quality. And finally, my current position upon restart of server:
  4. So I was playing my first 1PP life since the new update, and i was about 5 hours into gameplay and I have had some really great luck, I found multiple pairs of handcuffs, the new hunter jacket, ttsko pants, high cap vest, ammo, a pickaxe, a RAK, a magazine for my rak, and a bunch of other shit and life was good. Here's where it all gets messed up... I was starving, orange hunger for a long time, out of curiosity, i dug a plot and planted a seed, and it said I found a worm. Obviously in real life you won't die from eating one worm and I was dying of hunger, so i said yolo and ate it. "I have a funny taste in my mouth", FUCK MY LIFE. I made a mad scramble searching far and wide for antibiotics to no avail. The closest thing to me was a medical station, and after a google I tried to purge. I found enough food to live, and then I found a fountain and purged twice, each time the sick status went away for a few minutes then came back. It came back red and I was getting red status messages, I knew my life was drawing near to its end. As I am about half way to the clinic, I get bumraped by two zombies with kung fu and spray my smg at them because of lack of time........ It was too late... I was bleeding profusely, with a single bullet left in my firearm. I knew this was the time. I pressed F11, looked down the barrel of my PM-73 and pulled the trigger... The end
  5. Apocrypha8

    Why is everyone making fun of me

    Can't tell if troll or not... Coincidence, it's something one of the developers said in regards to moving the loot further inland.
  6. Apocrypha8

    (1PP) Anyone in Novo?

    Anyone here who is friendly and in Novo, I may be of some assistance. I have a saline bag, PM73, and 3 MP5 magazines. I have a mic and a teamspeak server and am just looking for anyone to help kill my boredom. I am 16, not a bandit, a team player, and just want someone to go adventure Chernarus with. (Mic Required)
  7. Apocrypha8

    Chance of getting cholera?

    The dam area near novo, the stream closer to the city not the blocked in part.
  8. Apocrypha8

    Chance of getting cholera?

    I was red thirsty and drank til I was full, played for about five more mins then logged out. What is the risk of me contracting Cholera?
  9. Apocrypha8

    Trading Post

    I am starving and will definitely take beans. But preferably a .357 at least or an sks
  10. Apocrypha8

    Trading Post

    First person, as stated, I want to trade them. I walked into the police station in novo with no backpack, and found a RAK and like 5 magazines for the mp5 but could only carry 3; then found a high cap vest on another server two houses down. That's where I am, two houses up the road from the police station in Novo, across from the factory. Please dont rape me when we trade, thank you Post offers Steam: jpk98
  11. Now I don't usually complain, but this just made me sad. I started a new game on hardcore, and spawned around Berezino. I only play on high pop servers(for fun and interraction), and here goes my life. I made my way towards the construction site and came away with a backpack, hardhat, raincoat, and other miscellaneous supplies. I proceeded to search a lot of random houses and found a lot of food, hunter pants, a 22 trumpet and a lot of ammo. My first experience, was not the one that ended my life; but ended in the needless slaying of a survivor. I was in the police station, and I heard zombies attacking someone. I thought that someone was there, and then a fresh spawn ran in bleeding and said over DC: "I'm a survivor just like you" and as I went to bandage him he started punching me. I wear a hardhat for that reason, and I killed him one hit to the head with my sludgehammer. Later on, I went to the school. There I found a pristine LRS and mosin ammo, life was good. I ran down the road, stopped to check my compass, aggro'd a zombie and then killed him. Here's where shit gets fucked up: I turned around, and ran about five feet; not sure if he was invisible or spawned in or lagged or some shit but some guy just appeared and raped me with an M4. The end, what the fuck :(
  12. Apocrypha8

    Was this a hacker?(My 1st hacker experience)

    Well I wasn't recording, and I know this, but just try to get a mental picture of where I was when I was shot. Below the metal stairs and to the right slightly, prone, and my friend was right next to me. The only angle is from above the window. And I know this, the other things I thought was a sound bug, but that would mean he was close enough to cause it, which is impossibruuu because the doors were locked and he wasnt up top with us.
  13. OK, so I never call people "hackers", but this legitimately seems like hacks. So, me and my friend were in Balota, and some guy spawned in the ATC, so we killed him.(He was coming up the stairs with his gun). So anyhow, we are camping out Balota, and he sees someone near the hangars(he was prone looking out the stairwell window), so that guy and him are in a standoff, so I go upstairs and am trying to get a shot on him, I would have to go on the catwalk to get him(And we locked the doors, so i just said let it be.) I was crouched in the top of the ATC, and here's my first discrepancy. I got shot IN THE LEGS, while I was crouched, and the bullet seemed like it came from really close. Here's where it gets interesting. I was unconscious, and then I woke up. I came downstairs, and as I did that, my friend peeked and killed the guy aiming at the window. As he did that, another guy opened the doors downstairs, and my friend killed him too. Here's where shit gets weird... We go towards the metal stairs going up the ATC, and he is about to give me morphine. I'm about 5 feet off that side window facing the north side of balota airstrip, just below the stairs a little to the right, and "You are dead". The only place the guy could be would be up the stairs in the ATC, on top. NOPE. The doors were locked, and as I died my friend looked up there, and nobody was up there at all. Just then, he went prone because he was getting shot at, and as he was moving to the stairs, "You are dead.". He died like right next to mine, and the only place he could be would be about 5-10 feet above that outside window, to get a shot on us, and no such vantage point exists. Therefore, he had to have been floating. And after I died and he died, we stayed at our bodies to see, and nobody came down to loot us. We heard someone running around outside and someone went in the hangars, but he never went to loot out bodies. Strange...
  14. Apocrypha8

    Bugged loot

    I thought it was like just one room usually, because that's all I see on the forums xD. If you want to go on the server, i can tell you if you really want; PM me.
  15. Apocrypha8

    Bugged loot

    Yeah, I know that, but like, EVERY BUILDING from Balota to Komarovo was filled to the brim with everything imaginable.