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RPlasticPirate (RP)

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About RPlasticPirate (RP)

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  1. I'm danish and former, then part time and now passive DAI ;)
  2. RPlasticPirate (RP)

    [GUIDE] Newbie Survivor version 1.2.0.

    Neat one... needs more updates for the recent changes thought...
  3. RPlasticPirate (RP)


    ^^ That...
  4. Reality sucks - deal with it or play Dead Island something crappy.
  5. RPlasticPirate (RP) torrent

    he is legit thought... he will be starting the legit torrents from now on.... Iz will be seeding too...
  6. RPlasticPirate (RP) torrent

    Its legit... will be seeding
  7. RPlasticPirate (RP)

    Gear ideas

  8. RPlasticPirate (RP)

    Curious about zombie melee attacks.

    there is another thread about melee attacks... I'm poking the devs about it on my intern wish for feature list... Currently most actual features like this are in the back of the queue to the massive amounts of new players and servers that needs to be handled etc...
  9. RPlasticPirate (RP)

    Dayz-is it worth it

    How popular the game is? Over 7000 playing right now and roughly 10 times more active players and its growing very fast. How many players and lag can i expect if im playing from israel? In terms of lag this game works so that most euro or us can play on the others servers no problem so you should have no issues playing on euro servers. Theres is no servers in Israel at this very moment but things are going fast. Does playing with low graphics becouse of free arma 2 really matters? Well I bought every ARMA2 thing to get best details but its fine without. Would get the arma2+OA thought so you get the vast majority of textures - its 30 bucks or so on steam etc.. Final question-Is the mod really that worth it and as great as it sounds? Hellz to the yeah... best mod I've ever seen.
  10. Was just waiting for something like this to happen - it's really beneficial for the fun of all and people should understand where PL is coming from its a gentlemen sport to have enemies and that you play everywhere online meta-gaming style but you don't go hating RL but are mature about it. When I was barely old enough to drink I went to an EvE meet-up RL and got my first beer and friends from my mortal enemies which where like twice my age (they where pirates - I was ISS carebear). ... come to think about it that sounded wrong :rolleyes: Also total every [ex-] eve player was waiting for this:
  11. Actually it works well if you left click from library not desktop shortcut.
  12. RPlasticPirate (RP)

    pro tip

    Using the poor mans night-vision at night is actually worse in many situations due to how the stuff you are changing works. It does how ever help some to get a really good screen that shows black and gray nuances well - preferably the new OLED's like on your smartphone if you just one the lottery (yes they are sold now in 56" weee). Also even I, a graphics geeeeek, has turn off post-processing in this game as the movement blur is too unrealistic, nonadjustable and very unpractical as this game is ooold compared to say Crysis 2 motion blur. BTW as a side note: except this too be fixed somewhat in ARMA 3 as its clearly using modern graphics pipeline and can do it much better if you have a newer card. It wasn't simply feasible when ARMA2 came out.
  13. RPlasticPirate (RP)

    Spawn problem - not spawn
