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About anthraxripple

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    All i can say is you should enjoy your life.....you don't live for a hundred years.
  1. anthraxripple

    Buying standalone game

    life is a matter of priority. if you want something bad enough you WILL find a way to get it. We all have had a good time with this mod and i for one have gotten more than my moneys worth of entertainment. I fully expect to pay for a stand alone if that happens. and i will gladly. if it costs 80 bucks thats 10 beers in a club, two tight ass lunches, or a cheap date with a chick. hmmmmmmmm. hard choice. NOT.
  2. anthraxripple

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    good news about the stand alone. this game is big. good one for rocket. i hope they pay him bucket loads of cash
  3. anthraxripple

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    LMAO. 20 bucks and you have been waiting all your ? last of the big spenders
  4. anthraxripple

    FLASHLIGHTS - What am I doing wrong?

    back on the topic of flashlights not working. mine was being a right bitch. switched it several times, back in the toolbelt back again, swaped it several times with my hatchet. THEN. L. and up she comes. ive noticed that with a few things. just switch shit around and keep trying. it learns eventually.
  5. anthraxripple

    I`m a goat (bug)

    can you actually create a new character that simlpy?
  6. As i believe rocket said in one of his many posts " this game is playable". (apologieis if i have misquoted or mixed this up) This game is farkin amazing....... et al The world is full of whining little bitches.. Look at what you HAVE. NOT what you dont have. I play for hours and its ever challenging. i now run with two others and have several other friends coming on soon. We have a ball Go the Rocket team
  7. anthraxripple

    Advice for bandits.

    Well he got his then. Revenge is valid. ( works for me) btw. nice hatcheting
  8. anthraxripple

    Escape from Thunderdome

    Good luck. You never know how it might turn out. (always look on the bright side of life) (monty python)
  9. anthraxripple

    Escape from Thunderdome

    Was that a silver lining? LOL. Heli would have been fun
  10. anthraxripple


    Great story. Thats what i like about this game. It seems to have a life of its own. You make plans and deal with the actual outcome. I use the dayz map on my ipad all the time, otherwise your running blind. As cyanyde said, most people do im sure.
  11. I was reading that 5 min inside a building to warm up helped. not to sure but might be worth a try.
  12. Interesting. as a pvp game its not to bright. giving to your opponents.. However i personally play coop style and i like the idea. I have crawled into nw airfield only to find bugger all ( not allways ), so finding a tent there would make my day. ps. My murder total is 0.. And i want to keep that so i would take what i need and put back surplus to help where i can. ( i can see the bandits squirming in their seats at this)
  13. anthraxripple

    Most Co-Operative Server

    Yep. i have. ill pm you the server. ( dont want to post cause the spoilers are listening)
  14. anthraxripple

    I'm a medic.

    Nice to see.. More people like you are needed.. Thumbs up from me.
  15. anthraxripple

    Why are people playing this?

    ?. Really? Arent you LISTENING!!!!! the forums are a gold mine of info. there ARE comms in the game. ITS the most amazing game i have played and i used to go down to the milk bar to play space invaders cause that was ALL WE HAD.. ( yes i know im showing my age). STOP your complaining and look around fella