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Everything posted by windth

  1. windth

    New Enemy - Z D

    This! Also add more hostile animals. Aggressive and Non-aggressive wild animals. Also can add carrion (crow, raven, vultures) may appear and can be spotted in the sky at a distance near dead corpses (survivors or animals) and can be shootable (why? don't even know)
  2. windth

    Suggestion for Blood Recovery

    They could probably implement the game telling you your full when you try to consume food items when it is full.
  3. windth


    You'd have to repair and/or maintenance your weapons or go find new ones. There would be new items added to repair and/or maintenance your weaponry but could add a nice element to the game. Intense moments. Gun jams right when you need it. Then I guess you'd have to go as far as batteries for battery powered objects. Lose use of the flashlight... it flickers and then out it goes. (Maybe have a zippo to pull out to use as a small light source if that happens) Now I am trailing off. But yeah it could work to have durability to weaponry.
  4. windth

    Suggestion for Blood Recovery

    So, instead of food and water directly impacting blood. Food and water restore just your Hunger and Thirst back to green (good). When both Hunger and Thirst are green a player begins to regenerate Blood (not taking in account status effects that effect Hunger, Thirst, and Blood). Blood Packs can still restore Blood but if your Hunger (starving) and/or Thirst (dehydrated) is really low you still will lose Blood at X units per second. ?
  5. windth

    Suggestion for Blood Recovery

    I agree with you sir.
  6. windth

    [Suggestion] Non-lethal weapons

    I agree. So, knocking someone out would be similar to the unconscious status effect? Or what about Stagger or Stun status effect? Bricks (throwable) Cinder Blocks (throwable) Rocks (throwable) Being pistol whipped Being hit with the butt of a rifle Extended Telescopic Baton [stealth] Sleeper Hold ​Tranquilizer Gun Net Gun Water cannons Flashbangs (stun grenades) Sting Grenades (also called rubber ball grenades or hornet's nest grenades) Taser Gun Hand Taser Pepper Spray Tear gas Rubber Bullets R.I.P. cartridge (Round Irritant Personnel) - tho' point-blank range could kill you. Bean bag round also know as flexible baton round fired from a normal 12ga. shotgun (in real these can kill but what item can't be used to kill) Caltrops are nonlethal anti-vehicle weapons Riot Shields as non-lethal defense So there are a lot of nonlethal (or less-than lethal) weapons out their that can be used. Would be a nice element added to the game.
  7. windth

    Homemade items/light crafting

    Agreed about not having the ability to create a 16ft yacht from a few planks and a bed sheets. Improvised crafting. Also your crafting can be interrupted due to being attacked by zombies or another player or being killed. So while crafting you aren't invulnerable. [edit typo]
  8. windth

    Fire starting sources

    Here is my input. Used X amount because I wouldn't know where to start suggesting the math/balance for it. Level of rarity is debatable. Tinderbox: Instead of Flint and Steel. Call it Tinderbox instead. Which is a small container containing flint, firesteel, and tinder. (rare due to the fact they drop in use (in real life) due to matches coming about, but they do exist!) Matchbook: Contains 20 matches in it (20 uses) Box of Matches (Matchbox): Base on standard size box of matches, contains 32 matches (32 uses and its gone) Storm Matches (also known as Lifeboat Matches or Flare Matches): Often included in survival kits. They have a strikable tip similar to a normal match, but much of the stick is coated or impregnated with a combustible compound and waterproofed with wax, and will burn even in a strong wind. Generic Disposable Lighter: Comes in various colors and designs! X amount of uses. (unsure if this should be refillable or X amount of uses and its gone) Candle Lighter: X amount of of uses before needs to be refill Zippo Lighter: X amount of uses before needs to be (maintenance?) Utility Lighter: X amount of uses before needs to be refill Emergency Fire Starter Kit: Water resistant. Contains waxed tinder sticks and flint wheel ignition. X wax tender sticks. When used up need to replace the wax tender sticks. Butane Lighter: X amount of used before needs to be refilled. Not as reliable in cold weather as Zippo Lighters, tho' Possible Items to go with lighters: -Lighter Fluid to refill lighters. -Zippo Wick -Lighter Flint -Wax Tinder Sticks -Premium Butane Fuel
  9. windth

    Season's (Winter fall summer etc)

    I put my vote towards seasons can open up a lot of thought about other equipment and such need to use for survival especially winter.
  10. windth

    Homemade items/light crafting

    duct tape solves everything! :P
  11. windth

    Suggestion for close combat weapons

    Here is my input. Close-quarter fighting: Using melee weapons, rifle-butts, or grappling to take down other survivors and zombies (although hitting with the butt of the rifle would be a stun/stagger effect and grappling zombies would not be wise). So, Rifle-butts and Switchblade as melee weapons! 1. Chainsaw (needs fuel) Eh, but you would find them in some people houses and such so I guess I will put my vote to this. 2. Power tools like nailguns, buzzsaw, sander Power tools that do not require being plug into the wall use batteries and battery life does run out and the power tool would stop fucntioning. I guess that would give reason for batteries (that would be scarier than hell with the flashlight *flashlight flickers and then goes out completely*) 3. Machete Yes! 4. Cleaver (can be thrown too) 5. Katana blade(why not?) ninja style assasins weapon quiet and deadly. Most people I know that have katanas in their homes are cheap blunt Pakistan steel blades of crap. More likely to break someones bone than to actually cutting them. 6. Chain 7. Spear (throwable) or metal rod Eh. 8. Baseball bat (combined with nails for extra damage) Or Dynamic Real-time Crafting then you can create Baseball Bat + Nails = Spiked Bat or Baseball Bat + Barbed Wire = Barbed Bat (something or another like so) :P 9. Molotov cocktail YES! 10. Flamethrower (this should really be at the top but saved the best for last). Only if you can shoot the tank of the flamethrower user and they burst into flames and stumble around on fire attracting zombie and we get a chain reaction going on with the burning of zombies.
  12. windth

    Homemade items/light crafting

    Give it a spiffy name... Dynamic Real-time Crafting: Crouch, open inventory, and drag and drop ('cause drag and drop seems quick and simple) items onto each other combining common or seemingly useless items into something that you can use to live another day within the game. Then the game would have use for items such as empty tin can, tattered piece of cloth, branch, ect. Crafting improvised weapons and equipment. alcohol + cloth = molotov cocktail (requires box of matches or zippo lighter to use and would be considered a throwable object (weapon)) branch + cloth + oil = torch (requires box of matches or zippo lighter to use but would be a light source) [probably could come up with a huge list of these combinations]
  13. windth

    Realistic Temperature Suggestion Thread

    Digging up a two month old thread. herp derp... but yeah... Here my idea about Temperature and the status effect Cold. I'm putting the degrees in C. I know a lot of it exist in game as it is, previous people mention parts of this and it includes some other suggestions I have(that may or may or may not have been stated somewhere in this forum). But, I am going to give this a stab. Change the status effect Cold to be called Hypothermia (yeah nitpick/OCD whatever thing moving on, lol) Status Effects Temperature: Your character’s body Temperature determines how easy it is to get infection and to gauge how close to the status effect hyperthermia your character is. A character’s base temperature is 38 °C. Character has a very small chance (%) of getting the Infection status effect from being hit by a zombie while under the Bleeding effect when Temperature drops below 33 °C. Symptoms: Physical ingame symptoms occur as your Temperature drops below certain degrees. The temperature gauge changes colors to help a player identify which stages of hypothermia they are at along with visual and audio cues/effects. Green: Your character has no hyperthermic symptoms. Yellow: Your character will shiver, seen rubbing their hands together or hugging their self (when standing and has nothing in hands), and audible increased breathing (shallow breathing; can be heard by other players). Orange: Your character will shiver violently, movement is slowed accompanied by a stumbling pace. Red: Your character has a visual blue tinted skin, the inability to use their hands and has trouble moving. Black: Your character dies. Causes of Hyperthermia: Yellow: 34-31 °C Orange: 32-27 °C Red: 28-20 °C Black: 19 °C Increasing Body Temperature: Using a Heat Pack (instantaneous; returns temperature to a full green state) Moving (very slow increase/regeneration rate, faster movement will neutralise lost) Remaining near a fire (very fast increase/regeneration rate) Staying in the sunlight (slow to moderate increase/regeneration rate; based on time of day) Taking shelter inside closed buildings or closed vehicles (slow increase/regeneration rate) Equipping winter clothing (returns temperature to normal increase/decrease rate) [base on if Dayz had seasonal changes in weather (spring, summer, fall, winter)] Causes of Decreased Body Temperature: You are outdoors at night (slow decrease/degeneration rate) You are outdoors in a windy environment (slow decrease/degeneration rate) You consume alcohol (slow decrease/degeneration rate) You are outdoors in a rainstorm (fast decrease/degeneration rate) You are outdoors in wintry environment (fast decrease/degeneration rate) [base on if Dayz had seasonal changes in weather (spring, summer, fall, winter)] You are immersed in water (very fast decrease/degeneration rate) Also include this here. *Alcohol: Can be used as an antiseptic and to seemingly reduce pain. Consuming alcohol can create visual disorientation. Alcohol also can decrease Temperature (although alcohol makes a person feel warm).​
  14. windth


    So putting aside whether or not it would ever be implemented due to the limitations of the engine. It is agree that horses would be pretty cool part of the game? Equipment for the horse, feeding and watering it, the horses' stamina (how long before it gets tired), mounted combat, the possibility of someone killing the horse right from under you and crashing to the ground you go, or even the possibility you shooting your own horse for food (Raw Horse Meat; when going it Cooked Horse Meat), or even go all walking dead. Either way I say yes to horses in DayZ!