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Tyler Bro

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Everything posted by Tyler Bro

  1. Every sniper I see, They always shoot me on sight so I always try and get them to waste a few bullets on me missing. I'm so good at being evasive that I had to disconnect to prevent him from wasting further ammunition. Does anyone agree though or is this just me?
  2. Tyler Bro

    Snipers = Shoot on sight

    Very good. :)
  3. Tyler Bro

    Snipers = Shoot on sight

    At least I know proper English. :)
  4. Tyler Bro

    Snipers = Shoot on sight

    Arma isn't even like BF3 or CoD? lolololol
  5. Tyler Bro

    Poll: DayZ or The War Z?

    Blank with anger deep deep down inside your little mad soul. :)
  6. Tyler Bro

    Poll: DayZ or The War Z?

    War-Z and Day-Z is most likely going to be the same game so this thread is pointless.
  7. Tyler Bro

    Snipers = Shoot on sight

    What is everyone going about, I logged because I had to go? I really don't understand what everyone is saying about combat logger... What does that mean?
  8. Yeah, I saw someone on stream pick one up not that long ago.
  9. Tyler Bro

    ShyGuySquad - Live Stream of DayZ

    X-split works a lot better.
  10. Yes, no problems really, just takes longer if they don't have a part but besides that, it's golden.
  11. Not sure, I'm wondering the same thing. :P
  12. Tyler Bro

    Just a quick question about "Bandit" Status

    You never know unless you ask them. ;) They took the bandit outfit out, you would get it if you killed enough players but it was broken because if you killed people in self defense, you would still get it so that's why rocket took it out.
  13. I bought my computer from iBuypower as well. Really good cpu and graphics card is alright, DayZ is mostly just about cpu, graphics aren't that great so you should be good mate. :) If you have any FPS issues, it's mostly the servers fault. Some servers I get 15-20 fps, some I get 45-60. Hope I helped. :)
  14. Tyler Bro

    alienware m18x

    I would only pay that if I was building a spaceship. Thanks guys for agreeing. :)
  15. Tyler Bro

    alienware m18x

    When you buy alienware, your only paying for the logo. Whatever you buy from alienware, I can make it 3x cheaper. Waste of money in my opinion.
  16. Open fires on human Cries about dying by him. What...? lol
  17. Tyler Bro

    Is a mic really mandatory?

    I run skype and I have Astro's A40's. I use voice chat to figure out who's friendly or not... If they don't answer, well... you know the rest.
  18. Tyler Bro

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    I agree completely. :)
  19. Tyler Bro

    Looking for Long term loyal players

    I've been playing for a long time. Add me on skype - kornloud2. :)
  20. Tyler Bro

    A few simple questions.

    Num pad - Enter. :)
  21. I searched a lot of topics on this forum as well as google searched a lot of things and yet, no dice. I just bought Arma 2 : Combined Operations and all I want to do is play DayZ and I put in the 2 dll's from battleye.com into my BattlEye folders. I don't know what else to do... Any suggestions? This happens when I join any server. EDIT : I also noticed that when I search for servers on Arma, All my DayZ servers have red X's on them... What's with that?