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Pirate (DayZ)

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About Pirate (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Pirate (DayZ)


    Use the zombie skin next time and scream before you attack
  2. Pirate (DayZ)

    Be or not to be friendly?

    Around the airfield and other areas up north, I shoot people. In the south, I rarely if ever do. Helps a lot that direct voice chat works now. No need to risk typing out 'friendly' and it seems to make it harder for them to shoot you. I find the fun from finding people and working together ofsets the anger of dying, since in those areas you rarely have good stuff.
  3. I agree with Tartan, I also would like to add that this would make Reputation a lot more important than it is now, which would hopefully make teamkilling more meaningful. However, I think it would not work for the alpha. I hope that a standalone Day Z would have this though.
  4. Yet another reason why persistence should be limited to one server only imo
  5. Pirate (DayZ)

    1.5.8 this weekend?

    I hope this means same amount of zombies but with slower respawn:)
  6. Pirate (DayZ)

    Talent Tree

    People would just log in and hide in a bush all day to gain those talent points.
  7. Pirate (DayZ)

    CZ appreciation station

    Get M107 and shoot choppers out of the sky = awesome