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Everything posted by Aklgas

  1. While playing on Server US 912, me and my friend went to balota. We proceeded to kill 4 people. Among them was Kex0n, the server admin. After killing him, it said it was friendly fire, and while checking for his body, it had disappeared. Before I killed him, he had an M14 AIM and an Alice pack. As my friend was looting, he reappeared standing at the top of the ladder on the control tower (not where I killed him, so there's no way he had simply just reconnected) and shot my friend; he had the same loot he had when I killed him. My friend shot him back and he died, and afterwards his friends showed up. I killed them again, and then I was kicked. I rejoined to find him climbing the ladder to the tower. I shot him again, and got kicked. Every time his friends would show up, I would get kicked before I could kill them. This process repeated several times. Attached is a screenshot of their bodies, laying along the side of the tower. I'm not sure if this is enough that something could be done about the abusive admin, but I thought i'd at least post this up for justice. Just be on the lookout for this abusive jerk.