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Everything posted by thatcommiekid

  1. thatcommiekid

    Time of death

    Its posible (with enough coding) that over time we could see break down of the player skin. it would be cool but not intirely nessicary.
  2. Its comie son just you wait!
  3. thatcommiekid

    Being able to access only your own Tent(s)

  4. thatcommiekid

    Starter Weapon

    Starter Weapon: NO They took it out for a reason.
  5. thatcommiekid

    One Character Per Server

    I know lots of people who want this and a lot of people who dont its a pretty big debate at the moment.
  6. thatcommiekid

    player X has been killed.

    I have to say no to the stoping of the text animations. Its my persona man.
  7. thatcommiekid

    Friendship system

    In game fFriend management:SMART i really hope they incorperate it.
  8. thatcommiekid


    So Im thinking something like The Fall Out: New Vages style of stuff. Ex. EPO: increases max blood by 500 with a +500 cap. and annother... Ex. Hydrocodung: Steadys aim Im sure you can think of more!
  9. thatcommiekid


    although there are t referances its not talked about very much... im thinking we dont even really need "Drugs" we need the ingame meds to have realistic effects. Morphine is highly adictive and can cause tons of problems. if they even slightly modifyed this it could real amp things up.
  10. thatcommiekid

    Zombie types!!

    tisk tisk tisk
  11. thatcommiekid


  12. thatcommiekid

    Crowbars: more damage or get rid of them

    I agree its a needed tool/ back up weapon.
  13. thatcommiekid

    Disconnect countdown and penalization

    you should just be forced to go AFK for like 10-15 sec. That way you can still be killed.
  14. thatcommiekid

    Suggestion: Radio's

    DUDE. Has been suggested a billion times. and yes.
  15. thatcommiekid


    I wouldent mind being able to smoke some fags in this game. After all whats a zombie with out some tobacco?
  16. thatcommiekid

    Things I want to see in DayZ. - (some ideas)

    It just agravating that so many people do a effing wish list >:(
  17. thatcommiekid

    Things I want to see in DayZ. - (some ideas)

    UNACCEPTABLE!!! http://dayzmod.com/f...before-posting/ read the damned rules! PLEASE make your THREAD SUBJECT short and *specific* like "Suggestion: More ways to make fire!"... Not "Here is a bunch of stuff I want" YES YES YES YES YES this isnt COD NO NO its to much of an advantage.
  18. thatcommiekid

    Zombi meat to travel silently

    I agree its effing DAYZ NOT DAYi
  19. what the game needs is like a 10 second logout timer. this way anyone trying to escape is rendered useless for 10 seconds. Plenty of time to smash there brains in.
  20. No you need to fallow the rules of this section. No one is really supposed to put up, "lists," and secondly jsut today the same things you have pronounced have been put up! Use the damn search bar!
  21. thatcommiekid


    Most importantly blood is effected... im thinking food blood values get slashed down the middle. And once your addicted? Man your balls up and quit cold turky. After a certian amount of time it wears off but if you take it agian, instant addiction.
  22. thatcommiekid

    Ideas for DAYZ

    UNACCEPTABLE!!! http://dayzmod.com/f...before-posting/ For christ sake have any of you read this?
  23. thatcommiekid

    Starting to get kinda annoyed

  24. thatcommiekid


    It makes sense. Using drugs in a tight fix might be nice but use them to offten and BAM* addiction! And as far as the crippling stats im thinking each drug has a counter effect like you said.
  25. thatcommiekid

    gripe about client-side player skins

    Unless you want the DEVS to change everyone to see and be the same colore stop the complaining.