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Everything posted by Bron89

  1. Bron89


    So I've been unconcious for the past 5 minutes. Is this ever going away or did I basicly just die randomly?
  2. Bron89


    You crouch by pressing X.
  3. Bron89


    Time for a little update from my side. After getting unconcious within 2 hours of playing last night, the same happened to a friend. After we waited it out nearly an hour we respawned and played a lot safer. Which means, we took several breaks just sitting in a building. Apparently this helps, we had quite a lot of breaks and we are still fine after 4 hours of travelling around. Sadly the servers went down at that point so we called it a (good) night. So I'd say try this out, we ate and drank quite a bit, but not as much as most people seem to do here I think. Time for coffee and impatiently waiting for team to wake up.. (Not from unconciousness but RL sleeping ofcourse)
  4. Bron89


    Alright, then how do we avoid getting unconcious? We were eating and drinking plenty. After 2 hours I felt unconcious, and 15 mins later so did my friend.
  5. Bron89


    I've been unconcious now for 45 minutes. This still the way it works?
  6. Bron89


    I'll make some dinner aswell! Thanks for the answer
  7. https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/v/1526555_10200929812868069_2029609199_n.jpg?oh=a0c026bb33614e9b75d83b1b34295438&oe=52B1032B&__gda__=1387360345_aa407484007d7de6165858f69afebd4c
  8. Bron89

    Looking for other Teenage survivors

    Would be fun if we send eachother pictures before grouping up :)
  9. Looking for the douchebag alt+f4'ing after I shot you down bleeding in a field after you realised your bus was stolen. Why would you even play this game if you're going to be this lame and can't handle losing?
  10. Bron89

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    This kind sir just helped me get back on my feet, gave me a nice blood transfusion and some Morphine for my broken leg. Big vouch, nice guys :)
  11. Bron89

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Morning, I am with 2k blood and a broken leg inbetween Novy Sobor/Guglovo. PM me please if you are willing to help me out. Edit: A friend is running towards me so I'll wait for him to come and pick me up. Thanks for the offered help, sorry for posting this too soon.
  12. I got candy, just don't tell your folks.
  13. It's not that small :(
  14. Bron89

    Deer Stands

    Found a map in one today, and an AK. Some hunting knife, and just food/drinks/ammo
  15. Morning folks, Any players from the EU wanting to group up this night? Had just died after a good run earlier tonight, but it will take several hours before I'm planning on sleeping so looking for players to team up with again! Skype with a mic is prefered ofcourse, to make the night more entertaining. And since age is often a factor for a lot of people I'll just write that down here. I'm 23. Add me on skype or reply here/pm on forums. Skype: Bronbron89
  16. Bron89

    [EU] Late night grouping?

    I'm used to running for ages by now, if you need company, add me and I'll find you somewhere.
  17. Bron89

    [EU] Late night grouping?

    I do not, I died a painful death.
  18. Good morning folks. Basically I don't like playing games alone, and since it's night it's hard to find an European thread! So I'm going to log on in a bit playing for several hours and I'm looking for someone to hold my hand. Kinda new to the game, and kinda is an understatement but I've been playing for pretty much 1 night so... you get the idea. Skype would be lovely, makes it more fun! Trust me, you do want to hear me telling you when I messed up and aggroed a whole town, I'm good at that so far. Send me your skype or anything in a post or pm and lets get going. Looking for any amount of players really, one is good, more is good, whoever is online on this fine night. Small ninja edit: I'm 23 and extremely good looking.
  19. Don't make me run around alone!
  20. Well as the title says, I'm completely new to the game but I never like to play anything alone. So I'm looking for someone to play right now on EU servers, so if there are more lonely nightcrawlers out there, give me a poke! Can use skype, or if anyone has a mumble or vent server or anything, all fine by me. Head up though, when I say I'm new to this game it really means I'm new to this game. I made sure I got it to work and had a few zombies chasing me, that was enough to make sure I want a party!
  21. Good morning, Was a good run last night, hiding in a house looking through the windows while waiting for blood! I'll be on monday, and pretty much every other day in the week, just poke me whenever. Just realised that I lost my map aswell as I died just before we quit, didn't even get to use it properly. @dogbite, will pm you later today as I'm in a rush right now.
  22. Added you on skype Sending a pm