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About RichardPhister

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    On the Coast

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    Geek, Internet Anthropologist, and proud member of the PC master race. Currently residing in Antarctica. Community Manager @ http://pennsundayschool.com/ All other info shall remain private. Also, cocks. Twitter: @richphist Steam: richardphister
  1. RichardPhister

    Arma2's big rise to the top.

    Pirst fost. As a proud member of the PC master race, I would just like to say I agree with everything being said in this thread and I am thrilled that my purchase of Combined Ops yesterday helped push the franchise to the top. Now let's start working on increasing the rack space so more people can enjoy this fantastic creation. lol I'll be playing ARMA for the next few days to learn the game and its mechanics before jumping into the bloodbath here. It looks really good so far. Why the hell didn't I buy this years ago?! Best of luck with increasing hosts and server capacity. I can't wait to experience this scenario. Congratulations to Rocket, the dev team, and all the fans who support this game and mod. I hope all the publishers are taking a serious look at this phenomenon and it factors into future decisions regarding the state of PC gaming releases (which ultimately, should be about delivering the highest possible quality in the industry while simultaneously meeting and exceeding customer expectations). Also, gaben is a fatty mcfatcakes.