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PzIV (DayZ)

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Posts posted by PzIV (DayZ)

  1. Heh. I ONLY play this game in a group of 2-6. You just need more reliable friends. That, teamspeak, and staying the hell out of cities eliminate all of your issues. If that's all it takes to drive you away from a pre-Beta game that's free, you should probably thank whatever skywizard you want that your life is so problem-free that this became such a major issue for you.

  2. Date/Time: 5-25-12(From about 8am EST to 4pm EST as I was on and off during the day' date=' 4 pm was about the time of my death)

    What happened:I had 2 weapons, the M9SD and the MP5SD. The game was registering the pistol magazines as the number of mags for the Submachine gun and vice versa. Was really really strange. Everytime I fired a full magazine out of the MP5SD, a pistol mag would dissapear and the number would count down by 1 on the "F key" notification.

    Where you were:Travelled from Balota Airfield(Where I aquired the weapons) to Chern and then all the towns between there and stary sobor.

    What you were doing: Travelling, Killing Walkers, Surviving

    *Current installed version:

    *Server(s) you were on: NY8, Dallas(Multiple), Virginia(Multiple)

    *Your system specs:

    Windows 7 Professional(64 bit)

    8 Gigs Ram

    AMD FX-6100 6 core Processor

    Radeon HD 6900 2Gig Memory

    Realtek HD Dolby Sound

    OS Drive: Intel 128G SSD

    Play Drive: Seagate 2 TB 64M Cache, 7200RPM Platter

    Steam Download Version

    *Timeline of events before/after error: This occured over an entire day of play as I went out and came back home several times to play.


    At least they use the same ammo, so it's within the realm of making sense.

  3. Date/Time:25/05/2012 8pm EST

    What happened: Me and some friends found a bus in the Kozlovka warehouse. Upon finding some parts we tried to add them to the bus (while having a toolkit) and finding that we couldn't do so. So bringing the parts with us we headed to Zeleno and found a car in front of the supermarket' date=' once again we couldn't repair. Yet we were able to enter the cars etc. We had fuel parts, engine parts, 4 tires, and some jerry cans. Also, when my friend tried to give me a blood transfusion (7k blood) it wouldn't let him.

    Where you were: Kozlovka then Zeleno

    What you were doing: Trying to repair cars and give a transfusion

    *Current installed version:

    *Server(s) you were on: Atlanta 3


    Exact same problem with blood bags.

    Where you were: All up and down the west end of the map

    What you were doing: Trying to give a transfusion

    *Current installed version:

    *Server(s) you were on: EU13

  4. 2. A low-caliber rifle (eg .22 LR) with plentiful ammo: medium to long range' date=' low-moderate noise, low damage.


    .22LR rifles start to become useless past 100m. They are short range weapons.

    They are indeed quiet, and would be useful, but trajectory becomes a rainbow after 50-75m, and velocity falls rapidly. Medium-long range, it is not.


  5. Atm moon rises around 1AM. DayZ/ArmA has a real day night cycle' date=' a real calendar year and a working lunar cycle. Just survive long enough for the moon to go full.

    Any action in DayZ, comes with a risk, so does traveling at night. There are less players on servers at night, so start getting comfortable using flares, chemlights, flash light and ears.


    Server switch or stare at a black screen for a couple hours? Not a hard choice.

    If the only thing that changed was a moon that never went completely dark, I'd be 100% satisfied.

  6. @Reuter and Njordin

    You just name it.

    In zombie apocalypse it can not be the aim to be the last man standing .. living alone among the dead' date=' because of having killed all other survivors.

    Sadly most of the players behaving exactly like this ...


    I'm wondering if the people complaining about banditry have ever been up north? Like, past Mogilevka? When you DO run into someone up there, it's pretty much one of two scenarios, regardless of what skin they have:

    1. Run like hell

    2. Start shooting back.

    I've been killed from ambush by more player skinned people than bandits.

    ETA: In fact, on Saturday night, two of my friends in a 6-man group got shot right in front of me by someone in a player skin.
