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Everything posted by capekjan@hotmail.com

  1. capekjan@hotmail.com

    Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

    Well I just hope they will do a lot of work on engine optimizations. I had a lot of FPS troubles with my 2.6 GHz dual core. Graphic Card was fine though. Can't wait to see.
  2. capekjan@hotmail.com

    Really confused about Day-Z

    Welcome in the club. This happened to me about 4 months ago. BE support didn't even bother to answer my mail - seems a bit unprofessional. I'm hoping for a more professional anti-cheat in DayZ Standalone. I would recommend you this: Don't bother yourself and wait for standalone.
  3. capekjan@hotmail.com

    BattleEye BANNED for no reason

    Oh yea, I guess I'm in the club now. I got banned shortly after being 4x times ridiculously killed by some invisible "player". So I believe there is really a option for a cheater to ban you... and that's sad. I'm left with three options: 1) Wait for The War Z 2) Wait for standalone DayZ 3) Wait for unban (or response from BE support) I wrote a mail to support, but they haven't answered yet. And from the forum feedback I gathered here I think I won't get my response. But I'm not that stupid to pay again for game where a cheater can ban you - it happened once, it can happen again. „In parallel universe cheater bans you for playing normally".
  4. capekjan@hotmail.com

    script kiddie found i think

    But what if the cheater applies the bypass after loading into game?
  5. capekjan@hotmail.com

    I creating a group of Czech and Slovakia Bandits

    Docela bych do toho šel, pokud to ještě platí. Měl bych k dispozici nějaký end-game guny a možná bych přidal do mlýna i nějaký ten Nightvision a Rangefinder, kdyby nám to dobře klapalo. Momentálně mi ale docela chybí nějaká kára - mám jen jedno auto na jednom serveru. Na ostatních mi to rozkradli.
  6. capekjan@hotmail.com

    LU159 Admin keeping server private

    So basically some people in this thread claims (though it's a minority), that when you pay for server you should be able to do anything you want. But you are hosting a service, that has some rules (no need to explain why, because most of us understand what HIVE is). If you break those rules and you cannot connect to HIVE it's your fault. You can still keep your server - the thing you paid for. Let's answer the "I have money -> I pay server -> I can „cheat" (or more likely obtain illegally) the loot" question. What if I'm programmer? Can I say "I have skills -> I bypass BattleEye -> I cheat loot" just because I have the power to do so? Well if wasn't against the rules of DayZ service you could do that on your private server. I feel kinda stupid for repeating what have been already said, but I contributed with the "Money -> Power" <=> "Skill -> Power" . Shall I ask Dean and some admin if I can hack my items into game if I can?
  7. capekjan@hotmail.com

    i got banned becouse of hacking....

    As far I know the DayZ mods can't help you. The thing is: You might got banned globally by BattleEye, so you might not be able to play regular ArmA 2 online. Try it and you will see.
  8. capekjan@hotmail.com

    Complete Inventory Wipe on Logoff

    Happened to me today - around 0:30 CET. I connected to server and I seen something is wrong - I could see the the group indicators and I was invisible. I got scared so I logged out of that server. Then I logged on some other server and 90% of my inventory was missing. Before - I took this image to show my friend, that I found NVG: http://i.imgur.com/kq0w8.jpg After - As you can see I'm missing most important parts of my inventory: http://i.imgur.com/VSVtc.jpg I'm playing on DayZ servers using the 95208 beta patch. This is pretty game-breaking. I spent a lot of time to get that gear. I wouldn't mind getting killed by player, but this is very disappointing. It would be fine to get some official words on this.