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About pburgers

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. pburgers

    Day Z Videos

    We happened upon a magical rabbit, and soon discoverd the sacred ritual to unlock his treasure.
  2. pburgers

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    You just need to learn the barn pull technique. When you get zombies chasing you, just run until you find a barn, house or warehouse with 2 doors on it. Run into the barn and let the zombies walk into it. Once they're halfway through you can crouch walk out and lose them. The other plus is that barns and warehouses often have weapons and items so you can scavange while you lose zombies. Keep doing that and keep your head down in general and you can make it. And watch out for bandits of course.
  3. pburgers

    Outskirts Useless

    You need to head further north. There's a few different military installations that have a lot of good stuff. Though I agree some of the smaller cities could be a bit less useless.
  4. pburgers

    Breaking Bones needs to be reworked

    Morphine also seems suddenly rare in this update. I got my legs broken last night, which is apparently much easier for zeds to do to you now, and I actually did crawl around looking for Morphine. I went through 4 barns, 3 large apartment buildings and the entire hospital and didn't find a single Morphine. Has anyone else noticed them becoming suddenly rare? I used to find them all the time, and last night, of course when I needed it more than ever, they were nowhere to be found.
  5. pburgers

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Is it possible to get an increase in the Morphine spawn rate? Zombies can now very easily break your legs especially if you're combating them with melee weapons. Last night I spent the entire night crawling on all fours and found not a single morphine the whole night. I went through 4 barns, 3 apartment buildings and swept an entire hospital including the roof and found every single medical supply except the Morphine (A very tedious task when you're crawling the whole time). It almost seemed as if Morphine was removed from the game entirely.
  6. pburgers


    Fans demand things all the time from developers. That doesn't mean they get what they want. You don't think Valve gets a million demands every day from their users? You're basically saying no one should ever be paid for their work because that gives too much power to the users. That's just plain silly. Imagine what Rocket could do with $100,000 and a team of developers at his back. I doubt the demands of his users would cripple his ability to use that money to make his game better.
  7. pburgers


    Rocket. A Kickstarter will let you pay some developers to help you out and iron out the many bugs present in your current build and get yourself to Beta much sooner. And maybe implement some of the hundreds of improvements your users are requesting. You are currently riding a wave of huge user interest. I'd say take advantage of it. I guarantee you everyone currently playing would donate at least $10 to a Kickstarter, Paypal or some other form of payment. You get the Kickstarter on Kotaku and I bet you, you'll have $10,000 to play with in a week. Please do this and start paying some developers to help you out. Get this game out of Alpha ASAP!