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About Ch00b

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Ch00b

    Dear MrHector

    strong avi to content ratio :D
  2. Ch00b

    Hernold the Axe Murderer

    people think its snipers and guys with rockets you should be afraid of... its not.. its the men with nothing to lose who have been following you for miles crawling and ducking out of your sight with their freshly found axe, nothin better than taking out snipers with an axe feelsgoodman.
  3. Ch00b

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    Clearly if you loved Dayz you wouldn't be making a thread about how its going to die and secondly i think you should stop attempting to appear smart, for one if you read properly i addressed both you and elliotle which means my latter answer was for him DERP ON YOUR BEHALFsecondly you clearly have no idea what your talking about 4 months for alpha is minuscule regarding other games its not " forever " as you have put it and now you are trying to attack every post made at you because you realise your thread has backfired so hard and with that i will leave you to sit in your failure.
  4. Ch00b

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    OP and elliotle you appear to be the new generation of gamer where everything has to be sugar coated and you can't handle a bit of glitches or rough play and btw kid this game is in alpha its suppose to be glitchy its not completed yet and it has an amazing crowd following it, yeh the hackers are a problem for now but there are still plenty of people on the servers. i bought it today died got hacked off a building picked myself up and i picked my balls back up and got more items and now i found an awesome little tent. I bet when you died you ragequit and made this thread :)
  5. ATI Radeon HD 2400 PRO I'm going to buy arma2 combined operations tommorow and i just want to make sure im all prepared so i can jump right into dayz. I'm going to rebuild my pc soon in the future but it the card is ok for playing dayz ok that will do fine. hopefully i get a response