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About acezor

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  1. acezor

    us186 banned no reason

    Why would I have logs, did you make me admin of your server? Edit* I just realized the sarcasm, I'm sorry it's hard to tell over the internet. I'm trying to reach a conclusion for this topic, and you are trying to disrespect me for it. I don't know why you're such a hostile person. At first I was very tempted to just say "Global ban Fragital" because of the manner in which he talked made him sound suspicious. Now I realize that the manner in which You type is suspicious. You disrespect everyone you come across, even people trying to help your cause. Before you said you were a good admin? I highly doubt that now. From what I can see, you're just a selfish prick abusing players because you feel the need to compensate on the internet. I hope your server becomes blacklisted, and your clan disbands, because from what I see, your servers a joke led by a clan full of hackers.
  2. acezor

    us186 banned no reason

    Well, we're still waiting on script logs for this ban. Until then, lets refrain from bashing each other so much.
  3. acezor

    US 454 Banned

    Are you banned from other servers? If it was a global ban then perhaps the aimbot script is real
  4. acezor

    us186 banned no reason

    No, its not CSI or court. CSI is the dumbest show that mankind has ever created, and in Court,your arguments wouldve been destroyed. I'm not sure where your hostility comes from as I'm a fairly neutral person on this topic. I'm not sure why you make these comparisons when they make no sense. You are arguing somebody is hacking without any proof of them hacking without having any proof of them hacking. You said they were hacking when they came into teamspeak asking why they were kicked? I'm sure sometime when you were kicked off a server sometime, you questioned why you were kicked off. Kyle, your logic makes no Fucken sense to be honest. Infact, using your logic, I think you're a hacker. Why? Because you're making no sense. I dont need proof of it, my buddy Fragital has fraps of you and logs of you cheating. So it must be true. Kyle, you argue that Rockets rules are "utter shit?" Too fucken bad, you play on his game therefore must play the game his way. You dont like it? Bring your sad ass argument as well as yourself to another game. Oh, also as you are calling me a kid, You are probably fucken 16 at most, learn o respect your elders. For Joker, I understand that this is happening, and I can understand why the admin would want to stop bothering with this problem. However as stated before, rules are rules and impartial bans that are illegal bans (illegal in the sense of the game) are not allowed. I am not a forum police as you have mentioned. I do not know if Fragital has hacked, but it is clear that the admin does NOT want to show logs. *Edit: Also as it doesnt seem fairly obvious to you guys, but this thread is basically you guys Bashing on Fragital as a player and person. I am trying to help this thread try to get cleared up. I, as a player in DayZ, personally do not like hackers but equally people who abuse their rights as server owners.
  5. acezor

    us186 banned no reason

    Looking over the screen shot made by Fragital, why does the ban say Battleye ban: Hacking? Doesnt that mean that an admin of the server put down the reason as the "Battleye Ban: Hacking"? I thought real battleye bans from battleye issue a number id connected to the ban? Does anybody here know if thats true or if I'm just simply suspicious. *Edit, sorry for edit, I didnt read this post until now: I'm sorry to point this out but, doesnt this make little sense? Just because your camp was hit a few hours ago, and two guys found your camp, how can you correlate the two together? Does this mean that Morpheus and Tank are the only two players who play on your server? Also, vehicles are very VERY visible on maps. You can see them from a very far distance even when they are hidden in shrubs. If I were to find a vehicle, as I am quite the greedy player, I usually would try to run up and snatch it instantly, especially if its in the middle of a forest. Next, are admins allowed to kick players for that reason? Even if there was a mole in your clan, would that warrant an admin to kick a player until he reveals himself? I don't mean really to pick at the details that are relatively irrelevant to this topic but from this story, your clan seems to be highly biased against Fragital as he is a traitor to your clan(?) Once again, sorry to be a stickler but is there any proof for this? Fraps, logs, videos? This would warrant a legitimate ban if there was!
  6. acezor

    US186 Ban for "teleporting"

    Sir charizard, Actually yes my post does. i'm trying to sort out why you posted your post and how it would help the situation of this topic.
  7. acezor

    us186 banned no reason

    Admins must show proof of bans? *edit: Many people are bashing on Fragital but not saying anything of substance
  8. acezor

    US186 Ban for "teleporting"

    Sir Charlizard, Does your post have an relevance in this specific topic?
  9. acezor

    Ban Appeal US 415

    This server admin needs to post a reply with evidence or claims to why the server ban reason is something so childish. Until logs are posted by the admin, there will be no definitive proof as to why you were banned. Hopefully your banned will be appealed and overturned. Even in the best scenario though, I'd advise you to stay away from this server with a 10 year old admin.
  10. acezor

    us186 banned no reason

    Greetings Nasir, I would assume that you are the admin of US186? Fragital has specifically stated that he has not been able to join the server because of a ban. Regardless of if he is able to join the server, you should post the logs and evidence of his ban in order to disprove/prove this thread.
  11. acezor

    Is this a global ban or?

    Sachel Charges 100% spawn at the barracks. I've found a few myself and blown myself up accidentally.
  12. acezor

    us186 banned no reason

    I'm not entirely sure how most ban appeals work, however at this point I'm almost certain that these bans do not work as the typical "Innocent until proven guilty" type task. I am almost Positive that the admin of this server, along with many other servers did not actually send "logs of scripts" to devs. As of now, I am fairly certain that your ban will not be lifted simply because the admin has not provided any scripts/logs to devs and because of that theres no way to prove your innocence, if you are innocent. Dev's are extremely busy and do not have time for baseless accusations on both sides, which is why they leave the power to the admins. If this server truely is a server of admin abuse, as you and apparently a few other posts of this server are, there may be little or no way to gain access back into it, as subsequent evidence has not been provided from both sides (although evidence from the server-side seems to not be required). On a side note, although I am not certain, I believe the admin of this server has claimed that there is a global ban list, and that your global ID is on it. If there is anyway to check this, then that would certainly help the resolve the case more smoothly (as if you are battleye banned there is no way to resolve this via the forums).
  13. acezor

    us186 banned no reason

    Good sir, to which sticky are you referring to? Nowhere in this ban appeal is there any mention a "Global Ban" or just merely a "kick". This fine gentleman has clearly stated he was Banned from a server without any legitimate reason, and would like to ask why this has happened.