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About cptslapawhore

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    Steam: TheMetal1996
  1. Name: Cpt.Slapawhore Location: Germany GUID: a8e80e2be2b56794f7ca1536d0b9e1ce I would like to play on your Server because two of my friends are already playing on it and i would love to play on a server without Hackers and have fun with DayZ again :)
  2. cptslapawhore

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I just played on a server and finally it works for me! I could not play the 1.7.2 cause i got stuck at loading every time. Im playing with the Arma X version. I dont noticed any bugs on it works perfectly for me ;) im glad they released it earlier finally i can play :)
  3. cptslapawhore

    Any german speaking players to join or group up with?

    I've just sended you a PM ;)