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Everything posted by Kalle^

  1. I want to know that do I have to buy ARMA 2 combined operations if I already have it and got banned from ARMA 2 OA. I think my ARMA 2 is clear but do I need to have them on same account or is it possible to just buy OA and make it work? I got banned from trying to cheat on "hacks allowed server" clearly they had battleye ofc...
  2. Kalle^

    ...I was so very wrong.

    It was just when BattleEye updated 3 times their anticheat and all hacks got detected. But they make new bypasses in couple of days so the fun only lasted for 3 days being without hackers!
  3. Kalle^

    bike racing bandits

    I made world around bicycle marathon. From misty peak to NE airfield, going coast with everybody on server coming to cheer me and at Lopatino hacker tele all vehicles ingame into same spot and I was on my bicycle so tele as well... But still I got over 3/4 of Chernarus done under 2 hour. Bicycles are OP.
  4. Kalle^


    +1 !
  5. Kalle^

    Looking for a sniping partner

    Thank you finally some low player can work my slave and be my spotter/looter!
  6. Kalle^

    Green Mountain Question?

    You will, the mountain dew ends the curse as they say. But those fireworks what happens when you do that, they are pretty!
  7. I shoot people on sight and I am bandit - regular player in day z. But actually banditry was not about killing people, it was taking law in their own hands and they robbed banks and stuff. Bandit is wrong word for it and yes it should be punishable to shoot on sight. I mean in regular zombie apocalypse, you of course keep care that new guys don't steal your stuff but you don't instantly shoot them if you don't get anything from it and you don't maybe shoot them at then because of its not human,
  8. Kalle^

    M40A3 Sniper Legit?

    Not in regular DAY Z but in SE 9 modded server it is
  9. Kalle^

    How to find stuff and suck less?

    Please don't watch any tips from DB map they are for pussies and one thing that ruins this game. Run, try to not hit by zombie, if they aggro just run and find barns and deer stands as starter
  10. Kalle^

    Why Kill on Sight?

    Not bandits, they are murderers... Actually 0.0001 % of this game are bandits, rest are murderers and survivors which are divided to 90% murderers and 10% survivors. But this will change if people don't have gun so they can't kill their opponent, till they have gun they are almost always survivors...
  11. Kalle^

    To the Electro Hill Snipers of US790

    I love those guys, they are bit amatuers so it is pretty easy to just tent bait them and hide under tree then get them and steal AS50 and run away
  12. Kalle^

    Hiding bodies a Dick move?

    I never hide bodies, I take what I take and leave rest for other players. If I ever see even freshspawn hiding body, I go and shoot him... I can't stand that action. It's really unprofessional and cruel even more cruel than being shoot on sight murderer... But Day Z standalone hopefully fix this problem when they allow it to be like in reallife.. So you can drag body but can't hide it. This makes fights amazingly tactical and makes game again more realistic. Only exception is if enemy is hacker and have high tier weapons because of that or he has illegal weapon such as AS50 TWS or G36 SD
  13. Kalle^

    Looking for Day Z Partners With experience <3

    Fist of all what kind of group? Murderers, bandits, heroes or survivors/collectors? Not joining just thinking that you didn't mention it
  14. Dunno actually. In most cases if somebody is friendly me and doesn't have million times better gear than me I won't rob him I am being friendly. If I meet guy with superior gear and looking like hardcore shoot first guy I try to rob the guy or if not possible I will shoot him. And if noob just started game and found stuff but needs medical care I will be his hero and travell to help the guy.
  15. Kalle^

    Mountain Dew: What You Need To Know.

    Do it guys! Just go to top of Green Mountains tower and drink it and watch sky!
  16. Kalle^

    DayZ is a mod.

    Guys stop feeding troll
  17. ...Well you haven't experienced fun then? Robbing people is super fun, helping noobs is fun too, collecting items fun too and if you are bored with full gear go to Elektro have some action! Play on private hive server and have fun there. Talk people in side chat, help starting players there, give them weapons/ammo or medical treatment. Join the community on the server and play regulary with same guys there. I love it, I just love it all!
  18. Dude, I don't know were u serious or sarcastic but real zombies can't run at all they walk slowly. But ur right, zombie 1 bite, ur infected!
  19. 3rd person takes fun out of game, it is like wallhack, you can see over walls when they have 0 possibly to see you. I like it when I am running longer time, it looks better but in hardcore ambush PVP situations it gives way too much advance to one player. FI #1 is only super high traffic server I know with 3rd person OFF, but the server is hosted in Germany so it isn't that great yah.
  20. Kalle^

    Green Mountain

    Goodies my lovely sons, I can totally say Green Mountain as many times I want. I went there and opened Mountain Dew. Curse has disappeared from me now! I love my life nowadays!
  21. More modern SMG's such as UMP45 would be cool or MP7. Then this game needs long range secondary weapon (revolver only 100m, rest 75m, m1911 and makarov 50m) and my suggestion is make crossbow better and find more ammo and make it 300m secondary weapon. One more version
  22. Kalle^

    Dayz = PvP

    I agree this game has 0 % humanity, people don't give shit about others life. Insta headshot, no explanations needed, doesn't matter are you friendly they will shoot you if they have proper weapon.
  23. Kalle^

    (PvP) What's your combat preference?

    I didn't put anything. If I see guy with something I want I try to rob the guy. If that is not possible then I shoot
  24. Kalle^

    Your body should disappear after death

    yeah bitches please noobs wtf omG noobs, I am always acting zombie when I die and respawn xuz like in real zombie apocalyPse you become zombie unless brain is damaged.