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About blynx

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Interests
    Gaming, Comic books, Retro consoles, Vinyl's, Sci-Fi Movies, Zombie Novels and Books, Grunge and Punk (hardcore).

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  • Bio
    Danny, 21, UK, PC enthusiast.
  1. So thats the name of this supposed none PVP server along with the ( IP. Anyways I spawned on this server just to see if I could meet up with a few friendly guys and possibly move over to another server once we had played together for a while. Some guys starts running behind me after about 2-3 mins of playing and starts yelling down the mic "Blynx wait up man." so it being a non PVP server I wait and as he gets to me, he starts spraying with his AKM. So even though I'm a fresh spawn I wont let some guy try and kill me. So I end up killing him after a few shots to the chest and face while hes reloading (love the m9 sometimes) and that was that. I played for an hour or so and left the server, today upon trying to join I get a very nice ban and a message from the friendly admin, "No fucking PVP you twat" admin banned. I actually dont really care because the server was kinda laggy and way to many vehicles but it made me laugh because the admin are friendly right?
  2. Its great! I like how the difficulty has seemingly been ramped up BUT zombies are way to OP. I have been spotted crouched walking and crawling almost instantly from about 200m, this has to be fixed it draws away from the realism; I'm all for rougelike brutality but this is just suicide. Also alot of players are now even more cautious of using characters with high level loot, lots of gear etc because of this.
  3. blynx

    Hackers can control us?

    If he was trolling his mate would have spawned back at the coast? Yet when he re-logged he spawned back next to where the "Body" was. Read first sir before declaring a troll.
  4. blynx

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Medic on duty for awhile, around the north-west. from Zelenogorsk to the Airstrip and in between.
  5. Its a hard one because i personally operate up north, so any sign of another player usually means bad news. And from personal experiences a guy in a ghillie isnt gonna think twice about shooting someone. I would have called out first if the looked like they was going to turn around or they didn't reply shoot them.
  6. blynx

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Not right sure where to post this but im a White listed medic and have recently started a group of armed medics dedicated to those high risk medical tasks. will post a new topic later on but just though here would be a good way to introduce it.
  7. blynx

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Big thanks to fellow medic Valkyrie for patching me up, really good of you man.
  8. blynx

    I am becoming a medic and can help!

    Nice to see fellow medics,, if you ever need assistance just drop me a message I'm sure we can work something out. can be a hard task to accomplish alone sometimes.
  9. blynx

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Fellow medic in need of help in Cherno across form hospital in the apartments, went looting some supplies in the supermarket and some bandit was in there we fired a few rounds into each other before i managed to land ahead shot. he messed me up pretty bad im on 2800 blood and slipping in and out of consciousness. any supplies used will be returned to you also I'm willing to log onto any server. Please help.
  10. Shot him in the legs, if he returned fire he would be zombie lunch for sure. that way you don't kill him and it gives you time to run.
  11. You didnt by any chance try that on a bunch of tents on DE 1761 did you? If so maybe your the 3 guys we blew sky high with satchel charges after we set up a "fake" camp. We noticed a few tents had raided so set up some counter measures, safe to say we haven't been raided since.
  12. blynx


    Dude the holo is beyond terrible, get a M4A1 CCO SD. Id rather aim with a potato than the holo sight id probably score more head-shots too.
  13. blynx

    How did your most recent character die?

    Hacker fag teleported behind me and my mates and fucked us over with a hacked light machine gun. That was over a weak ago now.
  14. blynx

    The Sad Realization.

    I agree with you in many respects but i once felt like you, until i met a group of honest people. Now im having a load of fun up north we have a massive camp and we have no duped items that were intentionally duped maybe a few bandages and water bottles here and there but its the way the tents are working at the moment. Ive been player killed, bandit killed, hacker killed, and even hero killed.
  15. Okay pm the details of any means of communication be it skype or team speak (pm me)