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Posts posted by rodalfe

  1. Hey guys fellow medic in need of help, Just at the Balota dock area on server UK131.

    saw some female character getting mauled i helped her fend of the 5+ zombies she took a critical hit and went down i used my last morphine bandage and blood pack on her. After this she decided it would be fun to shoot me (or attempt to). In short i got a few rounds in and she took heavy damage i presume she's dead. I on the other hand luckily had a bandage in my pack and have managed to bandage my self but im running low on blood and need a transfusion.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated, come help a fellow medic.

    Blynx out.

    I can come. i'm near Cherno.

  2. Desperately in need of help from anyone brave enough.

    I'm at the bottom of the stairs in the southern Elektro firehouse with 124 blood. I managed to stop my bleeding but I cant do much of anything without a blood transfusion.

    Unfortunately I have no blood to offer but I do have a Morphine Injector, bandages, food and drink. I could help you get more blood once I'm back to full as well.

    Thank you

    Steam Profile

    I can help you, i'm not far from Elek. By the way, I am Rodalfe and i added you.
