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Everything posted by echosyp

  1. Just wondering if there is anyway you can get banned by using this TS plugin. http://addons.teamspeak.com/directory/plugins/miscellaneous/Advanced-Combat-Radio-Environment.html
  2. I hope he does put something like this in game. I would quit using teamspeak all together if he did.
  3. Tell him to come over here, we have had to many problems with vehicles and tents to upgrade. So we ended up downgrading, brought us nothing but bugs. We would have our truck transformed into a bus or bike after a restart and all types of crazy stuff. So we decided it was best to stick with until 1.7.3 came out.
  4. Appreciate all the new players that are checking us out and we hope you will make us your home.
  5. We have turned on custom skins AJ, so feel free to join whenever you want to.
  6. Actually, we are probably going to upgrade to .5. It kind of sucks that we are losing players because we are not on .5 and nobody is willing to downgrade to keep tents and vehicles. But I guess we can upgrade to see if anyone else will join us.
  7. We do not plan on updating to .5. As tents and vehicles do not save properly on that patch. Which is why we are still on .4. We are waiting on 1.7.3 to come out and then we will upgrade.
  8. On .4 i don't even have to save the vehicle, saving it only saves what you have stored inside. Other than that the vehicle is usually where I left it when I log back in, unless someone finds it. On servers, there is all types of weird bugs, so it's like a 50/50 chance.
  9. Good morning everyone, just want to say thank you to all the players that have been stopping by and we hope you enjoy your stay. As always, if you need anything just ask. If you would like your own channel in TS just let me know and I will set it up.
  10. Hey, just tell me a server u want to meet me on and I'll upgrade my game to .5 and meet you. Also jump back on the TS server and see if psychobob is online. I'm currently at work.
  11. Yea that group has pretty much left Devils Castle abandoned. We are trying to get more and more people to play. Hell I've just about talked to everyone on my server through steam and gave them a ghillie suit or NVGs so it seems we are friendly to everyone and don't get to kill anyone. So we sit at camp.
  12. echosyp

    Do You Play DayZ in the Nude?

    All u do is get a 5 gallon bucket, put a piece of plywood on it and cut a hole in the plywood. Sit down naked next to your mini-fridge. Will never leave the computer again, I can play muh DayZ and never miss a moment. GG!
  13. echosyp

    First Lingor experience

    NP, I would link it to you but since Lingor island is considered not supported it would just get removed anyways. So just google it and the wiki will be the first result.
  14. echosyp

    First Lingor experience

    Go download and install Lingor Island files and they will show up. Just google Lingor island and the wiki will show you how to install it.
  15. BE came out with a statement yesterday saying sorry about the ban message, nobody was actually banned from it and we are trying to fix the issue. I seen that pop up last night on my server.
  16. Because tents and vehicles was not saving on 2.5 so we reverted back to 2.4 until the next patch 1.7.3 is released
  17. Anyone know anyway possible to find a players coords in any of the log files? I had a hacker come online last night and totally destroy all vehicles and took everything out of every tent in game and logged out and took them to his home server and kept coming back to our server filling his INV up and going back to his server. Since I have been trying to get more players and been advertising a lot on the forums and made a public teamspeak about my server he sent me a message on the forums and told me to get in touch with him on steam. I checked steam and he had me added as a friend so I talked to him a bit and he said he just wanted to fuck us over and he stole everything off our server and took our helichopper and hid it. So I was wondering if there was anyway to track it down.
  18. echosyp

    Heli Leaking Fuel?!

    Yea it takes 9 windscreen glass to fix the chopper
  19. echosyp

    AS50 TWS Save to hive?

    And? This has nothing to do with the OPs question.