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Everything posted by GrimReaper05

  1. AS50, does a shit ton of damage and can blow up cars easily.
  2. GrimReaper05

    So much BS...

    How are you having trouble finding a gun? I can usually find one within 30 minutes of me spawning.
  3. GrimReaper05

    civil discussion about PVP

    A lot of the people just kill you to be a dick, or they are paranoid and think you will kill them first. Just today I saw a guy, asked if he was friendly and all he had was a hatchet, he started attacking me on sight, it makes me sick thinking about how the DayZ community has gone to shit.
  4. GrimReaper05

    Any helpful survivors??

    You set a bear trap? For what purpose? Your asking for helpful players when you set a bear trap, probably aimed to kill someone?
  5. GrimReaper05

    So I can't join any server? Different Version

    Go into your Arma 2 Bohemia interactive folder, then expansions, then delete the Beta folder. After you have done that install a beta patch for the server you wish to join, make sure its compatible.
  6. GrimReaper05

    " Arma 2 Reinforcements Has Stopped Working "

    Try going into the game, then into expansions, and disable Arma 2 Reinforcements. If that doesn't work I have no idea.
  7. GrimReaper05

    Best way to meet up with a friend

    Run non stop.