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Matej (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Matej (DayZ)

  1. Matej (DayZ)

    what plays dayz mod or SA on a laptop?

    Yep it is possible my friend is also playing it on MacBook, do you play it windowed? Because when he use full-screen the mouse button disappear and it is hard to choose server and inventory
  2. Matej (DayZ)

    Why has no trains been added to dayz?

    There should be one steampowered locomotive which could run on logs, also I would like to be able to repair and use olt T-34 tank from chernogorsk monument, One of these tanks was used during 2006 riots in Budapest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4K59Hq7dXIc
  3. Matej (DayZ)

    What do YOU do when you are geared?

    See a guy with a clown mask , found yourself a 100% sure bandit
  4. Matej (DayZ)

    what plays dayz mod or SA on a laptop?

    I use Asus G53S , I bought it an year ago have about 30 FPS , 20 when in new cherno areas. SA has much better FPS then mod specs: i7 2670QM - 2.20 GHz 8GB RAM Nvidia GTX 560M 2 GB 15 inch screen
  5. Matej (DayZ)

    So... now what? (The DayZ Paradox)

    It doesnt matter what you clothes you have ( only when you have hoxton mask , then it is a red flag for me) , what matters is if you are armed and in what position you have your gun
  6. Matej (DayZ)

    Bambi Killings - Episode 1

    The point of this video? Somehow I missed it
  7. Matej (DayZ)

    That ending...

    Wtf did I just saw? They even failed at raping freshspawns
  8. Matej (DayZ)

    Dark Magic: The Wiggles

    well i am moving from north to holy penis , i hope i would find hoxon mask on my travels , otherwise i would have to pew pew some random balota cod bandit
  9. Matej (DayZ)

    What's your favorite town/city?

    Zelenogorsk ftw, i liked it in the mod now i liked it even more
  10. Matej (DayZ)

    Dark Magic: The Wiggles

    Wiggle wiggle wiggle we shall set on pilgrimage for dick building Know the Chernorus like my own city, probably i should get a life
  11. Matej (DayZ)

    Figuring out who to trust

    So let me tell you a story, me and my friend were fully geared with everything and we grow tired of being alone in the north so we traveled south to capitol city of Chernogorsk trying to find and interact with other survivors. When we were about to leave the city I saw a bambi with a baseball bat and a clown mask, I was thinking about killing him because generally people with clown mask are always KoS, but I said screw it and we went out and started talking to him , he said he is friendly and wanted to team up. We found him an ammo less mosin and start heading to city center together. When I was near the crash plane near hotel i started to roleplay as a prophet and start praying near crashed plane in chernarussian language, he eventually enjoyed it and we moved to church where I baptized my friend, then stranger with clown mask said that if it is ok for his friend to join us , i said ok and i baptized them both, then we went to holy crusade and cleanse the city of chernogorsk from undead. After a while our holy army grow to 6 survivors and i was bringing new acolytes for baptism when we were back stabbed by a guy in clown mask and his buddy, he killed my friend from behind and i was killed next even i emptied my 40 rounds magazine into them. Conclusion: I lost my gear which I gained after many hours of gameplay but, it was the best 30 minutes in Day Z SA i had and it was totally worth it. And never trust guys in clown mask , they will always back stab you
  12. Matej (DayZ)

    The DayZ friendly thread.

    rule number one when you see a guy with clown mask he is always a douche and bandit , kill him even if he says he is friendly , learned that hard way
  13. Matej (DayZ)

    the most intense moment in day z so far

    Do you even get something from your kills? because usually all gear and equipment is destroyed after bullet hit target in other part then head
  14. Matej (DayZ)

    DayZ Hero Montage/Compilation Video

    Np , continue to train in your powers, but aware be of dark side
  15. Matej (DayZ)

    DayZ Hero Montage/Compilation Video

    Your wiener must be fully erected right now, congratulations young padawan, but remember with great erections come great responsibilities
  16. Matej (DayZ)

    Meet the Doctor!

    Herr doctor , I wish you wont stop in finding cure for this terrible illness which claimed so many lives. Dont hesitate in next experiments, clocks are ticking and population is dwindling
  17. Matej (DayZ)

    Looking for CZ/SK teammates

    Sent you an invite, Mazdarsk
  18. Matej (DayZ)

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    Funny thing is me and my friend who took the picture died in 4 minutes by lone wolf in Krasnostav airfield , so maybe it is cursed
  19. Matej (DayZ)

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

    It looks like starved man with very small head
  20. Matej (DayZ)

    Your first encounter with a player in SA

    The first real encounter with other random survivors was in the Zelenogorsk military base, buddy and I were scavenging the city when i heard a shot from the barrack area. We rushed and slowly reconed area and from first floor of nearby building i saw 2 survivors enter military office building and closing doors behind them , we zeroed on doors and wait , finnaly doors opened and slowly the move from doors and we unleashed hell on them, long story short after 20 minute firefight we killed 3 guys inside and 1 outside with my friend being shot during fight leaving me alone , when i stormed the building i saw a last man of group disapperead and strangly minute later one server hopper spawned in front of me only with a baseball bat, after cutting him in half with m4 i begun to loot their inventory when the last of one reconnect and rushed from outside and shot each other to death on stairs. The best fight i had even if i count all fights from dayz mod, and i love expanded buildings and cities in cherno+.
  21. Matej (DayZ)

    How to setup private Namalsk server.

    yeah , i am also looking how to set up namalsk private server and also was able to set up chernorus one
  22. Matej (DayZ)

    So what is special about namalsk

    I found goat on streets of Vorkuta and wild boar in woods and this map rock
  23. Matej (DayZ)

    Drunk Zombies

    A zombie, that I gotta see!
  24. Matej (DayZ)

    [US][Role Play Group]

    Skype: lessabos Age: 21 Country: Slovakia RP experience: played sahrani-life on old Arma also role-played during multi-day airsoft events
  25. common weapons , but very rare ammo