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Everything posted by LIGHTS (DayZ)

  1. LIGHTS (DayZ)

    Discourage Player Killing Suggestion

    it'd be still cool if you could choose to have a bandit skin tho
  2. With all the bugs, fuck no. It's fun but it's too annoying. I'd pay 60 if all the bugs were fixed and it was more polished.
  3. LIGHTS (DayZ)

    Discourage Player Killing Suggestion

    I like the idea but you should have a skin for bandits. possibly turn your skin color to black?
  4. LIGHTS (DayZ)

    Need a partner.

    I just started playing about 6 days ago and I was hoping to play lone-wolf, but I just got fucked over in elektro because I didn't have anyone to give me a blood transfusion. I've played in a realism unit for ARMA 2 for about 3 months if that makes a difference at all. I need someone that doesn't care about rules of engagement and is willing to share equipment/items. if you're 16+ and have a sense of humor add > http://steamcommunit...ransatlanticism . i don't think i need to mention you have to have a mic. skype / moon-_man ( i prefer you add me on steam first )
  5. LIGHTS (DayZ)

    Looking for someone to play with

    da_bears from ESEA? i'll add you on skype though.