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Everything posted by sgtcuddles

  1. I RARELY have this issue, it was pitch black ONCE and i was motionless prone and a zed picked up on me from about 20m away, so I dont know if it was a bug or what, but for the most part crouch sneaking around works fine for me
  2. sgtcuddles

    Bicycle can have backpacks

    This would be a good idea once bikes are mostly found in need of repair, and once you can't 70kmph lol. I am sure bikes will be fixed, but i dont believe they are a huge issue atm. I have yet to be killed by a dude on a bicycle
  3. I think its a good idea, I just dont know if people are dupin military stuff like crazy or there is just too high of a chance to get good stuff, so I would hope the gear there would be much like a hanger or military tent. maybe they could add something like that and make it a hot spot on the edges of the map. like leaving the area. this would make those areas less useless, and maybe id have more of an incentive to go there
  4. sgtcuddles

    Remove starter backpack?

    I am totally for removing them, its extremely easy to find a pack already so there is absolutely no reason giving players a cushion with a beginning back pack. I think once the inventory gets revamped and has a major overhaul we will see more specialty packs, like not just a backpack you will have chances to get larger secondary ammo packs, main ammo packs, etc..
  5. sgtcuddles

    Zombies carrying dead players equipment

    I only see one problem really with this great idea, as we know in DayZ zombies dont persist in an area once players leave, which would end up making the gear the zombie randomly picked up a lose, which would probably make players very angry if they were lucky enough to make it back to their body. on the other hand that would be pretty cool if you had to go kill zombies that were just recently nomin on the corpse of the player that you just killed, just another element in the game that has a few balanced pros and cons.
  6. Once you realize that DayZ is just testing grounds for a much bigger and better game that is a standalone, you can get past the hacking and cheap gameplay some players choose to dabble in on DayZ. you paid 30 bucks to be apart of something bigger than just a mod. sorry you lost your crap loot and have to start again. :)
  7. sgtcuddles

    Plane crash site

    If you read my thread i posted yesterday It is somewhat similar to a certain degree, I said there should be extremely rare airdrop events that occur. Instead of and random crash site that you have no clue how the plane/heli crashed or when, there would be an airdrop that you could both see flying across the sky and hear roaring in the distance, this would make it a really big challenge obtaining the items, because everyone on the server who was able to locate where the plane was flying could possibly track down the drop. this would be an awesome test of group tactics to be able to secure the loot, of course a lone wolf could have a hay day with sniping, but that's just another challenge to get around to obtain this rare occurrence
  8. I agree somewhat, food should spawn so much in a supermarket, and even if it does spawn a bunch in a supermarket I believe you should feel so safe while inside the super market. I think they should add a zombie spawn inside the super market, just because once you are inside the super market you usually feel free to take your time and loot it, unless you expect players near by of course. but still you shouldn't feel so comfortable and have such an easy time looting it. maybe you could also give food a shelf life. once it is spawned you could have a certain amount of time to eat it before it goes bad, and once it goes bad you could consume it at the risk of getting sick, I believe this should get implemented because I have found myself hording 20 cans of food in a alice pack, and having no reason to go into a town/city, if we had a shelf life on our food we would be more likely to be forced to raid towns more often for food. putting a higher importance on the food you currently have, and how long you have before it goes bad. It would add another small element to food with a huge impact.
  9. sgtcuddles

    A Deck of Cards is what we all need

    yeah so I can take my sd and pick you off when you're trying to figure out what cards to discard.
  10. sgtcuddles

    Where are the horses?

    I want to shoot the idiot I want to shoot somebody riding a horse
  11. sgtcuddles


    what kind of a cheap p.o.s. are you? you paid close to nothing for an awesome chance to be apart of a ground breaking game type testing period, and you didnt have to wait for some big company to approve your beta application. the fact that we are able to influence the way DayZ is going by how we interact with the content we are given is pretty cool. I will gladly pay full price for the standalone version with a giant smile on my face when i purchase it. it would be nice to get a collectors edition or something though for my time spent playing the alpha ;)
  12. sgtcuddles

    Upgraded headlights

    haha what a waste, but a funny idea at least! you are not going to have HIDs on your POS ural.. lol, sorry I dont mean to be harsh. I just think it would take away from the rustic run down Apocalypse feel the game has
  13. how would you stop spawn camping? as far as when you swim/fly to another instance how to you stop people from just camping the islands edge waiting to take an easy shot on a disoriented player loading in to the new area. that is why its hard to visualize a cluster like eve. it seems like you would need to add too much structure to society to prevent these things from occurring,(like in eve where there are guards at each warp) Im no genius with game creating so I dont know the potential we have with gaming technology these days. I suppose you could have a buffer zone of like 2km or something where if you were to travel towards the next instance and reach 2km from that buffer zone you would load in to the next, but once you do load you have 2km of space to travel before you reach a free roam zone. once you zone in you could freely roam but you couldn't just start popping off shots at people zoning in. I guess i just dont understand how that would work, especially on such a hardcore game where death is permanent. I suppose you could limit instance traveling to players with just boat and air capabilities making a player zoning in harder to target. maybe theres just something im missing when it comes to implementing an eve server system in a game like dayz where there is no structure to society like a policing military force or anything.
  14. sgtcuddles

    Random events

    I think small events would be awesome, like a zombie horde that spawns on the very north/northwest part of the map and marches through the map until one of the bigger cities which then players would have to take out or avoid the zombies. There wouldn't be some cheesy notification telling the player this event is happening, it will all be based on the players awareness. Another cool thing would be an airdrop, imagine way up in the sky you notice a plane, you can hear the faint noise of it's jets/props. Once you're able to track it down in the sky you notice a payload it's dropping with a parachute, you gather you band of buddies together and track down where it landed, but you must be careful, other survivors were likely to notice it as well. This would set up for an awesome pvp fight for the goods, which could range from military grade weapons, ammo, vehicle parts, food/water, maybe even an entire vehicle if you're really lucky! This would be an extremely rare occurrence Of course. I think the two things i explained above would give players more options on what to do when faced with the events. I know rocket is all about giving players options, which this would be one, you could choose to avoid the horde or airdrop, or you could choose to fight the horde or search for the airdrop. Each would promote small skirmishes between players/npcs
  15. I believe he will stick to his guns, if I had the money I'd give him a million bucks to do what ever he wants to the game!
  16. sgtcuddles

    Random events

    I came up with the idea when I was out in the middle of no where one day (in real life) and saw a jet plane way up in the sky. you hear it first, of course the sound took a long time to travel to your hears, then I searched the sky for the origins of the sound. the same would be for the airdrop, this could even been a random plane crash, unlike just strolling up on a randomly generated helicopter crash where you have no background on how it got there, (nothing against the heli crashes, I think they are quiet awesome and exciting to roll up on)
  17. sgtcuddles

    Dogs in DayZ

    its been discussed many times... no reason to discuss it again, search for the other postings.
  18. sgtcuddles

    Shot in back again! Lets team up.

    You need to get your friends (if you have any) and make them buy the game and roll as a squad together. this will help you out and will make the player base grow :)
  19. I think we should start a trend with DayZ, lets throw away the term MMO. DayZ deserves its own category, anything tainted with the term MMO i stray away from these days. I will puke on anything hinting towards an in game society structure. luckily Rocket has a level head and doesnt have a big production team pushing crap mmo ideas. DayZ needs to stay far away from any big structured gameplay
  20. AGREED, every single player is a "boss" with an unlimited chance loot table, you have the chances of getting ANYTHING off of a human player. adding a predictable npc would be garbage. real players are whats going to keep this game REAL, nothing can beat the unpredictable behaviors of a human being
  21. Absolutely not. the fact that DayZ is so much different than any other game makes it good. mentioning anything cloning WoW makes me sick to my stomach, I cant stress how much games need to stray away from this type of cookie cutter gameplay all MMOs have. It would change the game too much.
  22. sgtcuddles

    I'd like to see more vehicles added to DayZ

    I think the rarity of vehicles is great as it is right now. once this game becomes a stand alone game I believe a vehicle will be easier to hold onto, as far as hopefully not having to save it all the time and also not having to worry about taking the server admins vehicle and having him rage and restart the server or something to get it back. I believe that holding onto a vehicle should be easier, of course a player could steal it at anytime, but I dont want to have to worry about my stuff getting lost if I didnt save it before a server restart.
  23. sgtcuddles

    Dogs as Detectors of Humanity

    as long as I dont get attacked by some random dudes jumpy A.I. dog I like the idea!
  24. sgtcuddles

    Random events

    I don't think any notification of any sort should be played out, just because DayZ is so focused around a players ability to survive in the surroundings, you have to use your sense of sight, sound, and direction to locate the drop. I think the radio would change the excitement of the chase
  25. sgtcuddles

    Crowbar use!

    maybe in the future have buildings that are only accessible with a crowbar, or possibly add items allowing players to lock certain houses, giving the crowbar a greater use to open those buildings locked by players/