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Everything posted by pollycranopolis

  1. pollycranopolis

    Internet goes down when I play DayZ

    I've noticed this too with my Comcast cable pipe. I can be pinging a site with no timeouts, great latency. As soon as I start server seraching in ArmaII my ping responses start dropping all over the place, with big bumps in latencey. Pages open in other monitors start timing out. Does seem to take down my internet in affect for unknown reasons.
  2. pollycranopolis

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Update ate my Ghille suit :(
  3. NO - Start with a single clip, single bandage. Simply reduce amounts of starter gear.
  4. pollycranopolis

    DayZ Build 1.6.0 Rolling Update

    I noticed the same thing. Saw a downed gray heli in a field. My eyes lit up. Used a whole clip of ammo clearing out the zombies around it only to find no loot and no interaction options once I got there...
  5. pollycranopolis

    Weapon Flashlights

    Yes i had the same problem, apparently it hasn't been scripted into the game to work, so its there, but will not work like the Remington flashlight attachment. ;(
  6. pollycranopolis

    Weapon Flashlights

  7. pollycranopolis

    Weapon Flashlights

    I have any M4a1 holo with flashlight attachment, and for some reason pressing "L" does not turn on the flashlight. Any suggestions? M4A1 HWS M203 to be exact. Dayz wiki > Holographic Collimator Sight, 203 Grenade Launcher & Flashlight
  8. pollycranopolis

    Weapon Damage

    Noticed some instances of this myself. Shot a guy I got the jump on from the top level of a air tower as he was coming up the stairs. Sprayed him from knee to neck with 4-5 rounds of AK fire. He fired 2 makarov shots between my 3rd/5th shot and dropped me. Low ping at the time, couldn't believe it. Made me do one of these...
  9. pollycranopolis

    Tents & Vehicles General

    How do you pack up or move a camping tent? The only option i have is to "save old camping tent" and when I select that option, nothing happens. *NVM. I was able to see the option to take it down, but only after looking at it from the side at a certain angle. After that I could pack it.
  10. pollycranopolis

    Some stupid questions..

    1.Regarding zombie detection distances.. How close can you get to a zombie before being detected in prone, crouch, standing position? How much do these distances vary in daytime vs nighttime? Is it possible to lose a pursuing zombie due to darkness? 2. How do you save your state on a server prior to logging off? Do you have to? I can see the save option from the game menu, but I can never click on it in the servers I've been on. 3. It makes little sense to save if you can't find the server you saved on when you log in. How do you add favorite servers in the normal in game server menu? I'm not seeing a button or option anywhere to add favorites.
  11. pollycranopolis

    All new users with problems: CHECK HERE

    Installing the ArmaII Dayz Mod: After a couple days of work, I was finally able to get DayZ operational. These are the steps I took, and the issues I encountered. Arma2/Arma2 Operation Arrowhead install: I purchased Arma2 Combined Operations from Gamersgate.com for around $30 as digital download. Arma2 and Arma2 Operation Arrowhead were downloaded separately. Each game contained a separate key. 1. Installed Arma2. 2. Installed Arma2 Operation Arrowhead. *Issues: I installed both games on my storage drive (E: as my main C: drive is an SSD with little space). Both game installs give the option to change install paths prior to installing. On my first run both games were installed together in one generic folder named “Bohemia Interactive” in my regular Program Files folder on my E: drive. I have since learned it may be possible to install this mod with both games in the same install folder, however if you follow most of the generic install instructions that make mention of separate folders for Arma2 and Operation Arrowhead, you may get confused. *Fix: I uninstalled both games, then reinstalled, making sure to pick the correct install paths for both games. After finishing installation, my games were installed to the following paths: *E:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 *E:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead EDIT: I've confirmed the mod DOES work with both Arma2 and OA installed within the same folder. Just add your @Dayz folder in the main directory for both games if you've installed this way. Install updates: *Issues: Both of my game versions were out of date after the install. Arma2 was at version 1.10, Operation Arrowhead was at 1.52.71612. I concluded this was an issue after noticing that all available servers had a red (X) in the far left pane of the server browser window. Through various forum posts I was able to confirm that a game update was needed in order to get my games up to the version number required to connect to most servers. *Fix: I downloaded the latest updates for both Arma2 and Operation Arrowhead from this link: http://www.arma2.com/index.php?Itemid=20&option=com_rokdownloads&view=folder〈=en Installed patch: “ARMA2 Patch 1.11” “ARMA 2: Combined Operations / Operation Arrowhead / Reinforcements Patch 1.60” Once completed, I was noticed the red “X’s” that had previously been listed in the far left pain of the server menu for most servers were gone. I could now see red, green, or “?” filled circles. This indicated that I was now at the correct game versions to where connections would be possible to most servers. Install DayZ mod: 1. Downloaded the 7 .rar files from: http://armafiles.info/dayz/ 2. Created folder in “E:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead” called “@dayz”. Within that folder I created another folder called “addons”. I copied the downloaded .rar files to the “addons” folder and extracted their contents there. 3. Created desktop shortcut for Operation Arrowhead (arma2OA.exe). 4. Added “mod=@dayz -nosplash” to the target field of the new shortcut from shortcut properties. The updated target field looks like this: "E:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2OA.exe" -mod=@dayz –nosplash Issue 1: *Error message"dayz_code requires addon CABuildingparts" upon starting game. *Fix: Copied the "Addons" folder from the Arma2 folder to the Arma2 Operation Arrowhead folder. Issue 2: Upon starting the game from the modified shortcut, I navigated to the “Expansions” section from the main menu. I could see the “@dayz” expansion in the list. However, after selecting the expansion I was unable to check the box to green by clicking it with the mouse cursor. It was there, but clicking the selected expansion would not fill in the box, thus I was unable to actually enable the “@dayz” expansion option. Fix: I ran the game from the original “arma2OA.exe” executable file in the Operation Arrowhead game folder, NOT the shortcut I had previously created and modified. Once in game, I was able to actually select the “@dayz” mod from the expansion menu with a mouse click, turning the box green. After selecting the mod, I was prompted me to restart the game. After restarting the game, the “@dayz” mod was enabled in the expansion menu. I then quit the game and started it using the modified desktop shortcut I had created. I was then able to see “@dayz” text printed on the upper right side of the games main menu background screen underneath the “ARMAII” logo. I then confirmed through the expansion menu that the “@dayz” expansion was checked and enabled. Connecting to servers: I sorted the server list by ping to find the servers with the lowest response times. I also set my filter options to hide password protected servers, as well as full servers to narrow the server list. Filter Battleye option was left as “default”, with the “Expansions” option set to “show”. With this setup I was able to see servers with the lowest ping times at the top of the server list (which happened to be mostly US servers as I am located in the USA). Issues: “Waiting for server response” When joining servers, I was consistently encountering a “Waiting for server response” during the process of attempting to join. From what I understand, this is due to high server load on the “Master” game servers. Depending on the server, I was eventually able to get in game after waiting for a period of time. The wait time would usually last from 5-10 minutes depending on the server. Fix: This appears to be due to high master server load, so there is not much to be done from my understanding. In some cases I was able to enter the game after several minutes. In other cases after extensive waits I simply disconnected from the server and tried a different one. “Debug Forest” I had several instances where I was dropped into what is being called “Debug Forest” after several minutes of “Waiting for server response”. This consisted of being dropped in an endless forest with no inventory, and no sign of civilization in sight. Fix: Disconnected and rejoined the server, or tried a different server. In Game Issues: Once I was finally able to connect to a server and get in game, I noticed some immediate issues with graphics (My graphics card is a Sapphire 7850 2GB). I noticed the grass textures were bright white when my character was facing them from certain directions. I also noticed instances of static within the textures of trees, shrubs and grass. Fix: After some experimentation, it seems the issue involved settings for Antialiasing and Anisotropic Filtering. I my case, I had to switch AF to normal to get rid of the white grass. After this, my grass was fine, but I was still getting instances of white textures within trees and shrubs. Disabling Antialiasing fixed this for me. EDIT: Thanks to PurpleHaze for this one.. "You need to disable AToC in your config file, the file can be found in My Documents > ArmA 2 > ArmA2OA.cfg Open that file with WordPad and change AToC from "7" to "0", save the file and start the game. Also make sure that your 3D resolution is the same as the resolution that you're using, or else the graphics will be blurry." Installed on system: OS: Windows 7 SP1 64bit CPU: i5-2500k@4Ghz RAM: 16GB DDR3 Graphics: Sapphire 7850 2GB Primary drive © - Crucial M4 64GB SSD Secondary Drive (E) - WD 1TB Green
  12. pollycranopolis

    Texture missing/white texture

    Was getting this as well with a new Sapphire 7850 2GB. Seems the issue for me lies with the Anti-aliasing and Anisotropic Filtering. I my case, I had to switch AF to normal to get rid of the white grass. After this, my grass was fine, but I was still getting instances of white trees/shrubs. Disabling Anti aliasing fixed this for me.
  13. I was initially getting (CABuildingParts) error upon launch, now I have another problem. I purchased combined operations from Gamersgate.com. I installed Arma 2 and OA in separate folders. This was done on my E: drive, as my SSD in my C: drive did not have the space. E:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 E:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead I fixed the building parts error by copying the addons folder from my arma2 folder to the OA folder. I already have the @dayz>addons>mod files in the OA folder as well. Launched the game. I'm no longer getting the building parts error. I can see "Dayz" in the expansion list. *Arma 2 is unchecked *OA is checked *Dayz is unchecked. When I try to check the Dayz addon, it will not allow me to check the box to enable the mod, nor do I see the Dayz screen logo. Any suggestions?
  14. pollycranopolis

    All new users with problems: CHECK HERE

    I was initially getting (CABuildingParts) error upon launch, now I have another problem. I purchased combined operations from Gamersgate.com. I installed Arma 2 and OA in separate folders. This was done on my E: drive, as my SSD in my C: drive did not have the space. E:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 E:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead I fixed the building parts error by copying the addons folder from my arma2 folder to the OA folder. I already have the @dayz>addons>mod files in the OA folder as well. Launched the game. I'm no longer getting the building parts error. I can see "Dayz" in the expansion list. *Arma 2 is unchecked *OA is checked *Dayz is unchecked. When I try to check the Dayz addon, it will not allow me to check the box to enable the mod, nor do I see the Dayz screen logo. Any suggestions?
  15. pollycranopolis

    please help (CABuildingParts)

    I was initially getting (CABuildingParts) error upon launch, now I have another problem. I purchased combined operations from Gamersgate.com. I installed Arma 2 and OA in separate folders. This was done on my E: drive, as my SSD in my C: drive did not have the space. E:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 E:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead I fixed the building parts error by copying the addons folder from my arma2 folder to the OA folder. I already have the @dayz>addons>mod files in the OA folder as well. Launched the game. I'm no longer getting the building parts error. I can see "Dayz" in the expansion list. *Arma 2 is unchecked *OA is checked *Dayz is unchecked. When I try to check the Dayz addon, it will not allow me to check the box to enable the mod, nor do I see the Dayz screen logo. Any suggestions?