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Everything posted by Broncaholic

  1. That's me :D Oh and I have some comments: 1. I love Devils Castle, that's my fav place ( we should base there) 2. Taltsi sounds like the medic from TF2 (sickest accent ever) 3. Sorry I had to kill you, orders are orders
  2. Broncaholic

    101st || Recruiting ||

    Got it, hehe my bad
  3. Broncaholic

    101st || Recruiting ||

    Do not know your skype name, add me; sterling.belleau
  4. Broncaholic

    101st || Recruiting ||

    Hi want to join, im 16 live in USA Nationality: USA Want to join a clan and have some fun killing people. 1. Can speak fluent english Yup. 2. Must have a microphone, preferably a good one Have one, it's glitchy sometimes. 3. Must use Teamspeak I have it but i prefer Skype 4. Must give all loot to the squad Sure, i don't care. 5. A small level of maturity Im 16 and i am very mature. 6. Do not exploit (D/C out of combat) Alrighty than. My load-out At the moment is: M107 M9SD Bizon Food, Drinks, and Medical supplies(Coyote Backpack)
  5. DayZ Name : Broncaholic How long have you been playing DayZ : About 3 weeks What is your time of area : [Pacific, eastern, etc] Mountain Will you provide as much support as we will support you? : [Yes/no] Yes What is your primary weapon of choice : [sniper, Machine gunner, Support, etc] Sniper(my loadout ATM is M107, M9SD, and a Bizon Skype name : [Name goes here] Sterling.Belleau
  6. Must be 18 or older. 16, But i have a deep voice Preferably EU/UK members but we may take International members too. USA Must have their own supplies there wont be any handouts at the beginning. I have food,drink, medical supplies, and a full tool belt(except for a radio), A M107, A M9SD, and a Bizon(willing to trade items for some more ammo for it). We do not accept any d/cs, hackers or server hoppers. I agree Must have played the game preferably for atleast a month or for more than a week at the least. About 3 weeks Must know the chernarus map and were the the main loots spots are. Have traveled throughout the entire map by foot and by vehicle many times. Must have skype or teamspeak preferably both. Both but i prefer Skype.(Skype Name is Sterling.Belleau)