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Everything posted by desfocado
[Video] It's a warzone at the NW airfield
desfocado replied to officer_d82's topic in DayZ Mod Gallery
Maybe it's just me but I'm pretty sure the first one was just hackers (those looked and sounded like satchel explosions, what are the odds of two guys finding more than one satchel?). Plus, I'm pretty sure you landed several shots on one of them. If they aren't, then kudos to them. -
US 1044 - To the sniper who tried ambushing me at midnight (GMT)
desfocado posted a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
US 1044 - To the sniper who tried ambushing me at midnight (GMT) To you, I apologize for bailing out on you. I did not ALT-F4, nor did I abort. I received a "no message received for x seconds" message and got disconnected. My router is currently flipping its finger at my game. I actually had a death wish. I was sick of playing safe these last few days. Shooting an M4A3 CCO near Prigo just shows how bored I was. I hope we can reschedule. Have a good day sir, and I hope your next ambushes are more successful. -
US 1044 - To the sniper who tried ambushing me at midnight (GMT)
desfocado replied to desfocado's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Well thank you, just playing the game like it should be played (a lot of us play this way, despite what it seems right now). Honestly, I would rather have died proudly from his sniper bullets than from a hacker 3 hours later... A hacker wiped out our group of 6 with heavy weapons with his goddamn hacks: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/58936-hacker-xavier-us-1331/ Check it out if you can, it's just sad. On the other hand, 2 hours later I have now racked up 93 zed kills going in Elektro with a hatchet and collecting lots of Makarov mags and the occasional Enfield. Whatever people tell you, it's still a dinner bell. EDIT: Sorry, I'd posted the wrong link. -
Same, I was there. Didn't ALT-F4 because I was the 2nd person to be killed by what I thought was a nearby AS50 sniper (therefore a fair fight), initially seeing the bus as some sort of decoy. It was after I was looking beyond my corpse that I saw him walk freely inside the warehouse taking hits from every gun, including the overkill amount of bullets from the M249 and not die while shooting his uber haxor gun. Another circumstantial evidence is that he approached the warehouse we were in with his bus, honking and writing in direct chat "Party bus!" or something similar right before stopping, as if he knew we were there already. He left moments after all of us respawned. Unfortunately no videos to support this report. Nice going Xavier...
First off, hi! If you're new to DayZ and you're visiting the forums, I hope you're having a warm reception from the community. Secondly, here is my poll. The question applies to anyone who's been playing DayZ for long but is mostly intended for people who are just arriving to DayZ (I myself only got ArmA II CO during the steam summer sale being the poor man I am). My reason for this poll is that lately I have been noticing big YouTubers play DayZ and one of the reasons so many people joined this game was mostly because of names like SeaNanners, Captain Sparklez and whatnot. Since they typically play on consoles, I'd like to know, how many of you are coming now to this platform (and therefore probably getting a new computer)? Have at it. P.S.: I only used the Poll system so keeping track of answers could be easier. If you want me to edit these questions/answers into more appropriate ones I'd be more than glad to do it. And tell me if you need flashy colors. P.P.S.: As much as my sadistic alter-ego would like to oversee a battle on my thread, please, no system wars in here. Hopefully I didn't fuck up my grammar. EDIT: Holy ba-jesus over a dozen votes in just a few minutes. Wow, thanks for the input guys :)
And we're supposed to trust the person bashing the admin for what seems an extremely rational ban and a relatively objective take on the matter? Oh and are we supposed to trust the person that can't help but put an exclamation mark at the end of each poorly written sentence? Do you know what the worst thing about hackers is? It's that in the end, after all's been shown, they can't admit to the things they've done. They lack self-respect and have no shame at all.
Could it run DayZ Mostly Maxed w/o shadows?
desfocado replied to TheSneakySpy's topic in New Player Discussion
I'm not sure, there aren't really many SSD game performance tests dedicated to ArmA II or DayZ, and this engine is unique so I wouldn't know for sure. -
Could it run DayZ Mostly Maxed w/o shadows?
desfocado replied to TheSneakySpy's topic in New Player Discussion
Yeah, and since you'll have a brand new HDD hopefully you'll get smoother gameplay. Do me a favor and don't fill it with crap like I did. If you can afford the luxury get an SSD or a system/ArmA II HDD + other stuff hdd combo. -
Could it run DayZ Mostly Maxed w/o shadows?
desfocado replied to TheSneakySpy's topic in New Player Discussion
You can't really be sure with ArmA II. My most important specs are: - XFX HD 6850 BE (OC @ 875/1100) - AMD Phenom II X4 955 BE (stock, actually undervolt by 0.1 because my ATX case sucks ass and makes my CPU live in freakin' hell) - OCZ Reaper HCZ 4GB DDR2 800MHz RAM And a SATA II 500GB HDD down to my last 40GB. When I get in a GOOD server (and I want emphasis on this motherloving word) I have a minimum of 28-30 FPS on the countryside, average 35 to 45. When inside cities I get a minimum of 20 but I relog every 5 minutes because of buildings and other things hogging my computer. In under 10 minutes in a big city I get down to 10 FPS easily. I have sceneComplexity set at 50000 so I get some building texture LOD pop-ups but I don't mind it one bit. My in-game settings are in the picture. Visibility, terrain and object detail are server controlled (object partially AFAIK). Other settings are not an issue for my GPU, even AA or PP if I wanted to have it on. That said, if you can overclock the CPU that comes with the barebones you should be able to squeeze some better performance out of it. -
[Poll] Newcomers - Console players or PC players?
desfocado replied to desfocado's topic in New Player Discussion
I managed to control the urge myself :). You can't even begin to imagine how many comments like "hurr durr I want dayzzzzz" (not even ArmA II comes to mind) I saw in a giveaway video for ArmA II from some important YouTuber. The thing is, you can't associate every console gamer (or PC gamer for that matter) with an ignorant/arrogant nerd (respectively). It's not an universal thing. Now that THAT's over, here are your beans good sir. -
Hatchet as primary, back to toolbelt, back to primary...no ammo
desfocado replied to tommes's topic in New Player Discussion
This has happened to me. The first time I remove from the tool-belt or have it as primary I am able to reload and use it, or use it right then and there. When I add it to my tool-belt and retrieve it, it has no "magazines" at all, so it is like it can't even access its (inexistent) ammo supply. A fix for this is just dropping the hatchet on the ground and grabbing it again. Should work. If it doesn't, after you've done it try adding it to your tool-belt and removing it again. -
[Poll] Newcomers - Console players or PC players?
desfocado replied to desfocado's topic in New Player Discussion
While your reply diverges from the main topic, I appreciate and agree with what you have to say. But let's all be honest here, the current gen (and from what I've seen, the next-gen) consoles aren't up to par with the resource hog that is Arma II. -
Hacker turned everyone into zombie pilots and I have his info
desfocado replied to reengoe's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Good job Mr. Admin, hopefully ban will ensue. You're right, I guess some hacks could be funny. The problem is that it's even funnier to them, any form of hacking whatsoever. Saying "hah, once in a while it's fun" is the same as telling your pre-teen kid he can go to any parties he'd like to (ok, terrible analogy, anyways..). You need to preserve some discipline in the game and have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to hacking. As much as I'd like to get a free M4A1 CCO SD once in a while, it is still a no-no. -
'shift' + '-' + 'flush' doesn't do anything
desfocado replied to PreDator123's topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
No problem man, glad we could help :D -
'shift' + '-' + 'flush' doesn't do anything
desfocado replied to PreDator123's topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
Are you pressing the left Shift? Make sure it's left Shift and the - (minus) on the numpad and if it still doesn't work, check your regional/keyboard settings on your system settings (although those keys should be relatively universal). I had my friend press the right Shift instead of the left one and it wouldn't work. -
Hacker moving from Balota to the fields near NWA in 30s
desfocado replied to Heilx's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
I'm sorry, but how is he no better? If he had his (more than reasonable) suspicions of a hacker in the server, then he had the right to ALT-F4 as much as he'd like to. I'm sick of "hurr durr ALT-F4 pussies". WE GET IT! I hate them too but we're talking about hackers (again, alleged hackers, but they scare you shitless nonetheless) that could just as easily kill you instead of supplying you NVG's. I never walked/walk/will walk out on a gunfight by aborting but if there is a hacker I will most definitely put into action some keyboard reflexes and stomp my ALT and F4 at lightning speed. /rant (apologies for the aggression) -
How Old Are You Poll (COD Or Crusties)
desfocado replied to Talon2000uk's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I fall into the 10-18 and yes, I still consider myself a child. Sure, I guess I'm more mature than the most part, but that does not mean I'm not a child anymore. I think you realize the difference between being a child and an adult only once you've become the latter. When it comes to playing though, I make sure I play fair, that's a must. Interesting topic Talon ;) ! -
Sorry for the late answer! Well, what are your FPS? Can you give us an average, or if you have the benchmarks, can you run them? The thing is, in DayZ you'll get messed up coding (I think) so it stresses your hardware (mainly CPU) even more. That added to MANDATORY settings in each server (usually NORMAL terrain/object detail + visibility at 1500 which is why I get so low FPS) brings down your FPS more than regular ArmA 2. If you run "Meh"-like then I'd advise you not to buy the game for now. Oh and the Free version has reduced textures in some occasions I believe. I think those would increase GPU stress (though not much) when you purchase the game.
To be honest, don't expect much. I believe I have a problem when it comes to my cpu usage because I'm getting 15-30 FPS max (haven't even tried going inside a city after applying I don't know how many changes). I play at 1440x900, all max except vis. (500), object/terrain detail (very low but those 3 are server-controlled unfortunately). Getting all settings except or with shadows at very high will only make me get a 3-5 fps increase. BTW, I have an AMD Phenom II X4 955 BE stock (3.2GHz), 4GB RAM, an XFX 6850 BE @ 875/1100 and I'm using RAMDisk for all the DayZ files (it's not a lot, I can't get the whole game in with only 4GB of RAM). If you don't mind waiting, I'd say hold on for a bit longer. If not, try getting ArmA 2 free to see how that initially runs for you. If it's average or pretty crappy, then don't buy it for now. Those are my (pretty long) 2 cents.
Server Restricting Graphics Exploitation
desfocado replied to dea†h's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
@EgoArmee Exactly. @TKDeMoNiK I understand you want to immerse bla bla bla, but I can't turn on the Objects/Terrain detail without getting my FPS even lower than it is. Bear in mind, I can use PP in any level I want without losing FPS, and I usually do on normal. The rest is also at max (AA, Shadows, HDR) without any FPS loss. View distance I have set to 500 to get more FPS. Bear in mind I have a Phenom II X4 955 BE (3.2GHz), XFX HD 6850 BE + even more OC of my own (875/1100), 4GB DDR2 800MHz RAM and I'm running at 1440x900 on a 19" so it should run correctly on medium settings overall. Guess what, it doesn't! So those who have above average rigs that can't pay for GTX 680's, i7 3930k and whatnot shouldn't be punished just because they can't afford better rigs. I just played on a server that forced me settings and I couldn't get above 20 fps and I was nowhere near any city. /rant (apologies for the aggressive post)