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About flygamer1

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    Bean King

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  1. flygamer1

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    still cant find any european servers, only US servers with 300+ ping
  2. flygamer1

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    Are they down and when are they coming back online?
  3. flygamer1

    player is invulnerable in truck?

    Shotguns are very unreliable, sometimes they will die in 1 hit anywhere and other times it takes several his to kill someone and i mean in very close range.
  4. flygamer1

    is DayZ the best FPS ever made?

    Bad gun plays, desync and lagg everywhere can't hear gun shots. unrealistic weapon sway.(run for 30 seconds and try to aim decent, impossible) i'm gonna say no
  5. flygamer1

    Am I just lucky?

    Same here 350+ hours and haven't seen a hacker only dupers. I am always on 35+ servers.
  6. flygamer1

    Experimental 0.47 overview

    New - Crappy movements.
  7. Objects should be Normal or higher otherwise other people will be invisible at long distances
  8. flygamer1

    When do we get Tents

    follow reddit
  9. Once i can run this game 60 fps+ then all faith restored
  10. *Summary Randomly breaking legs or dying inside building *Description You sometimes randomly break you're legs or get killed when walking inside random buildings such as Firehouse, Air Control tower or Jail cell. You get ruined shoes, pants and sometimes Shirt and everything inside get's ruined. Steps To Reproduce Fix it asap, game breaking bug. Additional Information Happened 6 times so far in fire station, air tower and jail cell. All when on second floor *Game Version Stable and Experimental servers I can't put this in bug tracker because it wont let me choose Product Version maybe admin or someone else can report it.
  11. flygamer1

    Dean Hall on Vehicles and Barricading

    Server hopping to get parts for helis and cars = wtf. We wanna stop server hopping not encourage it
  12. flygamer1

    New Zombie in DayZ Standalone!

    New animation not new infected
  13. Probably since they are not zombies but infected humans.
  14. flygamer1

    Cinematic Trailer- The Northwest: 4k Quality

    But this game isn't arma it's standalone
  15. flygamer1

    Can't loot items on high shelves.

    You can't loot a shirt if you don't have inventory space or already wearing one. Drop the shirt you are wearing go third person aim on it with the cross hair and scroll pick up/take shirt.