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Everything posted by david@awsumsauce.co.cc

  1. david@awsumsauce.co.cc

    Trading Weapons, Ammo and Ghillies.

    Hey I have a spare pair of rangefinders can I get a coyote for it?
  2. david@awsumsauce.co.cc

    [TRADE] LF A Vechile

    Well me and my buddies have some really cool items now and some spares, but a lack of vehicle, we would like it to be on a Popular UK server (If UK11 that would be great :D) just anything that can fit 4 or more people in it. (Preferably the S1203 van because of its huge amounts of swag) Offering up L85A2 AWS, Rangefinders, Ghillies, AS50s, SVD Camos, M9 SDs, NVGs, various M4A1 variants (NO SD), M203 HEs and Flares and GPS. All weapons come with 2 mags.
  3. Hey looking for any of these items, In return we have NVGs, Ghillies, M4A1 Holo, Camo clothing, AS50, FN Fal AN/PVS-4, GPS and Mountain Dew o:
  4. david@awsumsauce.co.cc

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    One of our tents got wiped but the other ones were fine so maybe it was just a glitch that only affected some tents?
  5. david@awsumsauce.co.cc

    I found a heli.

    Thats still there? Me and my friend found it like 2 weeks ago and its still sat there and no one has repaired it? Well saying that you'd need a boat to get the parts to it so you'd need 2 sets of parts. 1 set for a boat and 1 set for the heli.
  6. david@awsumsauce.co.cc

    Dancing glitch anyone?

    So a dancing glitch happened to me for like 30 seconds. Only got like 5 seconds footage though.
  7. david@awsumsauce.co.cc

    OMG! DayZ 2

    Longest life for me was 21 days, friend accidently took my head off with a winchester. Currently on Day 5, Ghillie, NVGS, AS50. Crashed Helis are so much fun :3
  8. david@awsumsauce.co.cc

    BLACK LEGION is trading rare items...

    Have an AS50 with no mags. Would you consider trading it for the SVD camo with or without mags?
  9. david@awsumsauce.co.cc

    The tree drove into me! (Trading for a ghillie)

    Sorry buddy but 3 primarys would take up 30 slots and the biggest pack (Coyote backpack) only has 24 slots.
  10. david@awsumsauce.co.cc

    Most memorable moment in DayZ so far?

    When me and my two friends ran through cities at night holding Chemlights. It was so funny we were glowing like aliens :D
  11. david@awsumsauce.co.cc

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Survived a few gunshots in Cherno. Very badly wounded, Im very very slightly north of the apartments in cherno in the little fieldy area, I need a blood transfusion (1.5k blood) but I have plenty of blood bags in my backpack for it and most likely will need an Epi-pen as after I got away from the player shooting me and killed the zombies behind me I idioticly disconnected with sprained bones so will most likely be passed out. PM me on here Or steam me if you like: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043973593
  12. david@awsumsauce.co.cc

    The end of my longest life.

    It was a good 21 day run, I was stocked up on bullets for my MP5SD6, had my trusty ghille and a g16 with plenty of mags. It started just ordinary me and my friend me and my friend were at the deer stand in Vyshnoye getting ready for our loot run from Stary Sobor > NW airfield > Berizino hospital. He recently just restarted after the loss of our car and had a winchester. There was a zombie to our left and just as normal we would take it out as it was in our path but me being the derp I am didnt notice it and ran straight infront of my friend just as he fired. He got a clean headshot on me. I was now about to bleed out on 3000 blood, we were scurry around for bandages but my friend had none as he just restarted and already used his and I recently moved my 4 bandages from my backpack to my inventory so he could not get them, we were going batshit crazy. I then bled out and died. Now my friend got my camping tent from my body, pitched it and placed all my items in there for safe keeping. He now guarded this while I sprinted from Balota to Vsyhnoye. 4 guys passed by from the time it took, 1 sniper, 2 people with rifles and one crazy axe wielding fucker. The axe man was the first to come past and ran directly into the tree line far to the left of the deer stand. My friend lost visual. Now these other 3 guys came, spotted my friend and opened fire, he returned fire and took them all out but was fatally wounded and died. I was now 5 minutes out from the tent, I spotted the tent with the bodies around, all bodies with guns in hand so I rejoiced knowing that they had not been looted. I know proned my way towards the tent since I could not take out the zeds being unarmed. I opened the tent to regain my items, A lee enfield was in place of my MP5 but my friend did say one guy looted the tent but he shot him when he was in the middle of looting. I looked at the bodies and out of fucking nowhere the axe man jumps out of a tree and hacks me to death and since I am unarmed I couldn't retaliate. I then again bled out and died, loosing all my items. Congrats to the Axe man on UK120 you've acquired yourself a FN FAL, MP5SD6, other weapons and plenty of ammo and food.
  13. david@awsumsauce.co.cc

    The Quest of the Holy Mountain Dew

    I found a single can of mountain dew in my month of playing DayZ. I was waiting with a friend and he stole it from my backpack. He said "Hey look at this" and consumed the holy dew right infront of me. The arsehole.
  14. david@awsumsauce.co.cc

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey, Me and my friend are up in the military camps at Stary Sobor, we can move to other locations near if needed. Were around ~5/6k blood and are in need of painkillers to stop the shaking (Blood transfusions would be extremely appreciated but not needed) so we can make it up to Berizino and get ourself some medical supplies, since its impossible to defend ourself against zeds and bandits with our crosshairs shaking everywhere.