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About Chronootje

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    On the Coast
  1. Chronootje

    combat logging, reverse style

    I don't think he was even trying to hit me. He was standing and walking while unloading his magazine, he didn't even use bursts or hipfire or whatever, just plain spraying.
  2. Something happened today that has not happened to me before. I was climbing the hills at Elektro, the hills east of the power plant, when i suddenly see a guy with an AKM. Me as newly spawned, unarmed survivor, try to make the best of the situation by saying hi over the direct channel. The guy immediatly starts spraying me with bullets. I manage to dodge about 29 bullets out of the 30 ammo clip. Seeing his poor shooting, i decide to try and dodge the rest of his bullets too till hes out. 3 magazines later i was hit 2 times (down to 6k blood and bleeding) and i noticed the guy was out of magazines. Then suddenly poof, and the guy logged out. Logging while being shot at happens like all the time, but why would you log when you run out of bullets against an unarmed survivor?
  3. Met this guy in Novy Sobor who started shooting at me, then followed me and was telling "Friendly!" over the direct chat while still shooting at me. I ran into one of the houses to switch to my fal and shot the guy the moment he walked in. Hit him 4-5 times with it, but he just kept running and shot me down with his m4a1 cco sd. I dropped dead on the floor a mere second later with -36413 blood while he kept walking around as if nothing happened. Sadly i wasn't able to capture it on a movie or screenshot, but still wanted to post this to warn other players.
  4. So there i was, running through the fields next to Stary Sobor and suddenly a guy in a ghillie suit runs past me a few meters away. I noticed he didn't see me, so i decide to follow him. I didn't want to risk taking a shot while he was running so i followed him until he sat down. I steady my gun, aim for the head and fire... The guy goes prone the exact same second i fire my gun. I reposition myself to take another shot... poof, guy dissapeared. TLDR; Combat logging is sad, even when being fired upon by bandits
  5. Chronootje

    Complete Inventory Wipe on Logoff

    I noticed that everyone who had this problem, had NVG on them (same with me). Problem might be related to that? I picked mine up in the latest beta patch, how about you guys? Also, going to respawn later this day. Let's hope it won't happen again...
  6. Chronootje

    Complete Inventory Wipe on Logoff

    Exact same thing here, would indeed like some official words on this.
  7. Chronootje

    Game has now become completely unplayable

    Same thing happened to me. Joined a server and tried to put my nightvision goggles on, but nothing happened. Checked my inventory and my binoculars, night vision goggles, tools, backpack, main weapon and side arm are gone. Tried rejoining some other server, the items are still gone. Here's the hoping its just a problem with the hive server and gets fixed...